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I wish it were possible for me to be more exact, really, as this baffled me badly...
My OS some Java apps run and some don't.
(It may want a newer version of Java than my older system will accept ?!?)

Jdownloader made for a real puzzle - it was very odd.

Tried it several times and ways without success.
1. Either it didn't open,or;
2. Did something that brought the OS down with a BSOD, or;
3. Crashed it hard enough to bring a full reboot instantly.
Looked through their site, KB, wiki and clues

And that my dear sir is as far as it went.

Thus, if it is my best option for that ONE (ahem) site, my options all ran out !!
(04-28-2018 01:02 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]I wish it were possible for me to be more exact, really, as this baffled me badly...
My OS some Java apps run and some don't.
(It may want a newer version of Java than my older system will accept ?!?)

Jdownloader made for a real puzzle - it was very odd.

Tried it several times and ways without success.
1. Either it didn't open,or;
2. Did something that brought the OS down with a BSOD, or;
3. Crashed it hard enough to bring a full reboot instantly.
Looked through their site, KB, wiki and clues

And that my dear sir is as far as it went.

Thus, if it is my best option for that ONE (ahem) site, my options all ran out !!


OK that is more than likely your outdated system rather than jdoiwnloader2.

That’s most likely the problem for jdownloader2 and probably your bandwidth/downloading problems as well.

RA Cool

Thank You, yes.
I am very aware of my system's limitations and mostly everything works as I need it to.
BW and downloads are not problems here well over 95% of the time.

And - as noted previously:
Those very few sites which the AV or ISP blocking affects are really unimportant to me.

Quite literally the ONLY site that I have stuff sitting in that is near impossible to retrieve it from is mega.
Most likely what I'll have to do is to use an entirely separate account on a different OS and grab that stuff by that method - but until I do that, this remains at the level of 'curiosity' rather than 'necessity'.
Works as advertised! Thanks for the instructions! Rep+ given.

(02-04-2017 11:12 AM)ratzazz Wrote: [ -> ]__________________________________________________________________

AS the title says if you’re having issues with large files and can’t get them downloaded here is some simple help for you.

Use jdownloader2 and you shouldn’t have any problems.
You ARE using jdownloader2 right?

Magic Button :

This is just mega files but you can download from anywhere!

[Image: a8Iq09I.jpg]

Have jdownloader2 running and copy your mega link:
i.e. the link to the share and NOT the link after you get there.

Then just download with jdownloader2 as normal.

Yes mega will restart broken downloads.

Yeah! Happydance

Magic Button :

Jdownloader2 shows detections but look at the community score. (+70)

I have been using it for years with no problems whatsoever!

Would I risk my REP and standing in BBHF if there was anything wrong with it?
(as long as you get it from the link above)

[Image: vJwJM0z.jpg]

[Image: iHUGJA0.jpg]

[Image: LtjeWLv.jpg]

Run it in a VM if you don't trust it but either way it is too good to pass up!

RA Cool

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