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(02-25-2016 05:24 PM)kumarandsn Wrote: [ -> ]scraping domains and import domains ok,but when click hunt article,not articles found.anyone keyword i use,shows 30000 found.pls update

Does it scrape URLs?
It will only start parsing articles after all 30000 domains will be scraped for URLs. That takes much time.

[Image: Screen%20Shot%2002-25-16%20at%2001.jpg]

You can manually import links. Try to import, for example, 50-100 domains (links) and you will see that the software working.

I'm not the developer of this software, so I can not update this.
You can ask the developer to improve that functionality, but he may ask if you are an existing client :)
Thanks for updates. Rep added.

For anyone who would like to learn the software, here is an official tutorial.

Magic Button :
Usual PW
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Thanks for updates. working
thank you for your reply i am using only scrape domains.then i import domains to old version,then articles are scarping.anyway than you man.any new update pls share.max reps your reply.
sorry reps not working.after sometime i will add to u
I'm glad if I was helpful!
As I said you can try to add/import not all results given by search, so it will be actually faster to scrape articles.
Please Iamsurf how to connect because there is login/password
version is out. pls help us out with this update.
Bump, anyone please? Thanks (I have but seems to detect 1 trojan in virustotal...) Is false positive?
(02-25-2016 05:24 PM)kumarandsn Wrote: [ -> ]scraping domains and import domains ok,but when click hunt article,not articles found.anyone keyword i use,shows 30000 found.pls update

Go to Blacklists directory and edit ContentBlacklist.txt and UrlBlacklist.txt, remove all empty lines and all will be fine.
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