(02-25-2016 05:24 PM)kumarandsn Wrote: [ -> ]scraping domains and import domains ok,but when click hunt article,not articles found.anyone keyword i use,shows 30000 found.pls update
Does it scrape URLs?
It will only start parsing articles after all 30000 domains will be scraped for URLs. That takes much time.
You can manually import links. Try to import, for example, 50-100 domains (links) and you will see that the software working.
I'm not the developer of this software, so I can not update this.
You can ask the developer to improve that functionality, but he may ask if you are an existing client :)
thank you for your reply man.now i am using only scrape domains.then i import domains to old version,then articles are scarping.anyway than you man.any new update pls share.max reps your reply.
I'm glad if I was helpful!
As I said you can try to add/import not all results given by expireddomains.net search, so it will be actually faster to scrape articles.