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Full Version: [GET] [SPECIALLY FOR BBHF] Expired Article Hunter
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It gives me "No License" -> after scraping the domains, and try to "hunt" for articles.
Fixed "No license" issue for some cases. Please, redownload file from the main post.
It works now, thanks a lot.

Your A W E S O M E!
how do you install or use this ?

reps added and thank you
thnaks a lot!
(02-05-2016 11:55 PM)Aaroni Wrote: [ -> ]how do you install or use this ?

reps added and thank you

It's simple - just unzip it and run the exe file. I believe you can easily understand how to use it, if you know what it used for.

You'll firstly need to scrape domains by keyword, then add those domains to scrape list and push 'Hunt' button, which will search for articles while using the desired preferences. After the 'hunting' process ends or after stopping it, you can check articles and add them to your wordpress site.

You can also check Help section for videos/tutorials how-to use it.
Thank you for updates. Max rep added.

Mirror for v1.3.7 - Usual PW
Magic Button :

Add rep for showing your appreciation.
Working perfectly bruh!!!
No internet connection?
looks like we need 1.3.9. I am running 1.3.7 and can only scrape 25 domains.
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