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(02-21-2016 09:44 PM)iamsurf3r Wrote: [ -> ]Updated to 1.4.2 version in main post

Thank you so much Surfer no found articles or i am bad
sorry for bad english
sorry no found domains
sorry for bad english
Thanks. It's working great. :)

BTW the version is v1.0.4.2 instead of 1.4.2. No biggy though.
no articles scrape.not working
the last version ask for login details.
This is a great share.
Thanks, repped.
(02-24-2016 09:59 AM)richxrdo666 Wrote: [ -> ] no found articles or..
(02-24-2016 10:45 AM)richxrdo666 Wrote: [ -> ].. no found domains ..
(02-24-2016 11:05 AM)richxrdo666 Wrote: [ -> ]
Magic Button :
This is not the link given in the first post.
I don't know if it is the same.

(02-24-2016 01:09 PM)kumarandsn Wrote: [ -> ]no articles scrape.not working
Everything is working fine for me. Tell me where are you stacked and I'll try to help you.

(02-25-2016 01:29 AM)Mauricepb Wrote: [ -> ]the last version ask for login details.
Sure, the last version is integrated with website. If you want to use it - create free account. Isn't it said there?
You can still import your own links to websites where you want to find articles.

For everyone: try to research how to use this software. It's not hard to understand even if you are a full newbie. Just try. There are also tutorials on official website and youtube.

Good luck!

(02-25-2016 02:15 AM)Neorocker Wrote: [ -> ]This is a great share.
Thanks, repped.
(02-24-2016 11:11 AM)chemicalsweet Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. It's working great. :)

BTW the version is v1.0.4.2 instead of 1.4.2. No biggy though.

You're welcome 47happy
Yeah, was lazy to replace the number.. Updated now.

If you like this software and you earn money with it - don't forget to buy your personal license! Developers are doing great job!
scraping domains and import domains ok,but when click hunt article,not articles found.anyone keyword i use,shows 30000 found.pls update
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