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Trial version work fine.
(01-29-2016 08:41 AM)blackmen5 Wrote: [ -> ]Trial version work fine.

That's strange. Can you try this version and tell me, if it works?
Magic Button :
version 1.3.3 work great. On other laptop with win7 64bit ver. 1.3.4 work tooo
Thanks for link and help
(01-29-2016 08:58 AM)blackmen5 Wrote: [ -> ]version 1.3.3 work great. On other laptop with win7 64bit ver. 1.3.4 work tooo
Thanks for link and help

Nice to hear it works!

It seems you should really check your .Net Framework version and Windows updates. You can download Net Framework 4, 4.5, 4.5.1 or 4.5.2 at microsoft website for free.

For everyone who is looking for the latest working nulled version - check this post:
Thx again. Thank you

New Mirror
Magic Button :

Please leave rep and thx to iamsurf3r for showing your appreciation.
Thanks for share buddy, leave copy mirror just in case
Great thanks! Works well :-)
pls update new version
thanks, +rep. :)
what do you mean by default password?
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