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Full Version: 12,894 VIP members were accidentally affected by this post count issue!!! READ this!!!
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I am a VIP and I still can't access VIP section, please fix my account, I need to get something from VIP section, thanks! :)
I was really worried when i tried to access a thread which is really important. I even sent a PM to Lala. Then i found this thread. So if anyone can please update my account fast that would be great.

Lost my executive status, reinstate please thanks
Good luck 13k manual wow!
Yes, I'm still having issues accessing certain
threads and downloading programs.

No rush... Whenever you have time to
fix the issue.

Thanks in advance!

Cannot access the VIP area.

Thanks in advance!
Can you please fix it for me ASAP :)
I lost executive access too
thanks for the info cant wait to access the vip forum again lol
My account was affected. Waiting for a quick resolution of this issue.
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