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Full Version: 12,894 VIP members were accidentally affected by this post count issue!!! READ this!!!
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Waiting for a fixed. My account was been affected too. Thanks. You can check my profil, i'am a VIP Member
Looks like I'll be one of the last to get VIP restored since my first letter starts with "u". LOL oh well thanks for your hard work
I am a W so will be at the end. please can you do mine faster as i need to access a product. Thanks
Please can you reset mine as soon as possible as i need to access a group buy.

Thanks for the update
waiting to fix my account
wow mate, 12k+ manual updates, respect!
Thanks for your update and hard work!
My account was been affected too. Waiting for a fixed. Thank you admin
Thanks for your update !
Can you please restore my access to vip, it has taken too long... my account id is xtrudge
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