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Full Version: 12,894 VIP members were accidentally affected by this post count issue!!! READ this!!!
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Good to know :)
(06-18-2015 03:23 PM)NoWnZeN Wrote: [ -> ]Whew! Looks like I dodged a bullet ;)

You didn't bro. You were affected too as i was checking all other Top VIP contributors too with having badges as mine. I happen to see your account affected too an hour ago. It was like it took them around 2 hours to fixed yours which including mine. Maybe we became the top priority or those who posted here. Thank you Admin. Take time to rest too. Salute! Salute! Cool
Relax people, go out and do something else.

12,894 VIP accounts, so those who keep typing " mine got affected too" , well obviously, its ALL VIP accounts lol.

Take your time and don't stress out.
Waiting for a fix. My account was been affected too. Thanks.
I have also been hit with this. Hope its not too much work for the mods to have to do to be able to get everything back up again. Thanks for fixing this and the hard work you all put in to doing it.
Please fix my ID i have to share something..

No problem, we can wait.
But please, I hope it won't take to long...LOL
Mine were affected too. Thanks in advance for the fixed.
Please, fix my account. I am also affected. Can't access VIP Threads.
My account was been affected too, Waiting for a fixed. Thanks.
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