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Full Version: 12,894 VIP members were accidentally affected by this post count issue!!! READ this!!!
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Thanks for the update. Appreciate all the hard work you guys do.
I would appreciate if my account is back Live.
thanks for the update Smile also affected
oh wow Im glad I saw this I was wondering why I couldnt get in to my account earlier.
Looking forward to the fix.
thanks for the update also affected
Thanks for the update.
My account was affected as well.
Thanks for letting us know. I look forward to restored access, as I want to continue to contribute. This place is great. Thanks for your work admins.
Mine was affected aslo. Thank you for the update
+ + + = + + +

thanks also

i appreciate how BBHF has been so upfront about this error

looking forward to having VIP access restored

congratulations on creating such a positive community

appreciation and respect to all

: )
Cool, I'll just check later.
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