after registration and logged in, you only get access to week one every week but here is how you can get the rest of the weeks, credit goes to niclucian:
Yes Tiger put together a product that tells your proven way of doing it and I'll buy it. OR just be awesome and share it with your BBHF brothers here in the VIP section would be most appreciated.
Well, I think we all are waiting on the info from tiger777 rather than download the product posted by the op. Rep to op for the post and rep to tigerr777 for the coming info.
Hey Tiger... looked it over and I completely agree! where might I be able to access/download the program Credit-Aid to use for my clients (free of course). If not that one then any other ripped course would work that you can recommend.
and oh btw... are you referring to the credit sweep?
(04-02-2015 03:00 AM)tiger777 Wrote: [ -> ]Complete waste of time!
I've been practicing Credit Repair
and Score Enhancement for 19 years.
The information in Credit Repair Machine
is useless.
Debt Validation and Goodwill Letters are
There's only ONE thing that will get ALL negative
items deleted from your credit reports.
Raising your credit scores to 750 plus is the
easiest thing in the world to do, even if you
do not erase all negative items from your