You will find them on the Internet.
Hint... Google!
(04-02-2015 03:43 PM)bonerking420 Wrote: [ -> ]Would you mind giving us a "hint" on where to find these elusive companies? (04-02-2015 03:06 PM)tiger777 Wrote: [ -> ]Identity Theft as a means for clearing your credit
is very hush-hush.
Very few know about it, and even less know
how perform Identity Theft surgery on one's
(04-02-2015 02:27 PM)tiger777 Wrote: [ -> ]Powerful Tip...
Quick Credit Score Boost with
negative items remaning on
your credit profile...
Let's say you have a 550 (middle)
credit score.
Let's say you have to qualify for a
mortgage in the next 45 days and
the bank / morgage lender will forgive
the collections on your profile.
The only obstacle you MUST hurdle is
raising your middle score from 550
to 730 in 45 days.
1. You will NOT take "no" from ANYONE
as your final answer.
2. You MUST find four (4) individuals
(or a company) that will add strong tradelines
to your profile, ASAP!
If you do not know what a tradeline is, please
Google it.
The tradelines should be aged / seasoned for
at least 5 years, with no late payments in the
last 2 years.
The account balance MUST be 30% under its
spending limit.
More than likely you will be added to a seasoned
credit card as an (AUTHORIZED USER). Depending
on the age of that account(s) your scores can
increase 15-50 points for EACH account you're
added to.
If you're lucky and you know of a car dealership
or finance company that will add you to their
roster as an aged (PRIMARY) account holder,
your credit score will increase 30-75 points.
Of course that will depend on the strenght of
that primary account.
3. Accounts like Fingerhut and the likes, will
not give you the increased scores you're
looking for in 45 days or less.
However, the Fingerhut revolving account
is a great plan for your long term
credit strategy.
Yes, there are other strategies for raising
your credit scores.
That should get you going for now.
I'll see you at the 750 mountain, SOON!
Can you go more detail into fingerhut or other tradelines that are easily acquired? Or what website or point us in the direction to boost medium credit to the 750 mountain?
Great question...
Fingerhut, Secured Credit Cards, etc., provide an
opportunity for someone with bad credit or no credit
to enhance their scores.
Companies like Fingerhut will report your "on-time"
payment each month / quarter (depending on
when they report via - e oscar).
Each "on-time" payment will accrue positive points
and will reflect on your score when reported.
Search Google for companies like Fingerhut.
Also, make sure you add a few Secure Cards
to your Credit Rebuilding portfolio.
Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc., offer
very solid Secure Cards... Ask if they report
to each bureau / how many bureaus before
investing in that particular card.
If you do not know what a Secured Card is,
please Google it.
(04-03-2015 01:10 AM)infamous Wrote: [ -> ]Can you go more detail into fingerhut or other tradelines that are easily acquired? Or what website or point us in the direction to boost medium credit to the 750 mountain?
Additional Tips on Boosting your Credit Scores:
1. NEVER close credit cards, unless you have
another PRIMARY card to replace the card
you'd like to close.
2. Keep a healthy mix of good credit - Credit Cards,
Mortgage, Car Note, Bank / Personal Loan, etc.
3. Never let your Credit Card balances exceed
30% of your credit / spending limit.
4. Pay your credit card bills (NOT IN FULL) a couple
of days before the billing cycle ends for that month.
5. Always keep a running balance on your credit cards.
Yes, you will accrue interest, however, that nominal
fee will be a drop in the ocean compared to the boost
in your credit scores.
6. By having your Credit Limits raised on your cards,
you'll see an IMMEDIATE boost in credit scores.
7. Have someone add you to their cards as an
Authorized User... The more the better.
8. Try to purchase Primary Accounts if possible...
TREMENDOUS boost in credit score!
9. Have negative items expunged from your
credit profile, ASAP!
10. Pay down high credit balances. Perferably
30% under your spnding limit.
Max reps to tiger for all this valuable information.
Tiger is right and have great trade lines is very important. I actually sell my trade lines to people I have over $25K in tradelines. They do work and they are truly worth having. And it is true that they cost but it is worth the cost.
All great info. The only thing I'll add is that if you are going to piggy back on accounts, be sure that you go on them as an "authorised user". Don't become a full fledged account holder. If you do, it will make you responsible for those payments as well and will mess with your debt ratio. I'm a mortgage broker and that's how I know this stuff. I am interested in the identity theft package. If someone finds it please let me know. Tiger, do you take on clients? We could benefit from each other. I get you paid and you get my clients scores up. No commission needed on my end. I get paid when the loans close...
You guys are AMAZING, reps given and many thanks to everyone for all the tips
Does anyone have any tips on removing student loans.........I think they have us tied in on these forever or atleast til they're paid off even if you are in default. It doesn't seem possible to call identity theft on these although it sure would be nice.
(04-03-2015 02:09 AM)tiger777 Wrote: [ -> ]Additional Tips on Boosting your Credit Scores:
1. NEVER close credit cards, unless you have
another PRIMARY card to replace the card
you'd like to close.
2. Keep a healthy mix of good credit - Credit Cards,
Mortgage, Car Note, Bank / Personal Loan, etc.
3. Never let your Credit Card balances exceed
30% of your credit / spending limit.
4. Pay your credit card bills (NOT IN FULL) a couple
of days before the billing cycle ends for that month.
5. Always keep a running balance on your credit cards.
Yes, you will accrue interest, however, that nominal
fee will be a drop in the ocean compared to the boost
in your credit scores.
6. By having your Credit Limits raised on your cards,
you'll see an IMMEDIATE boost in credit scores.
7. Have someone add you to their cards as an
Authorized User... The more the better.
8. Try to purchase Primary Accounts if possible...
TREMENDOUS boost in credit score!
9. Have negative items expunged from your
credit profile, ASAP!
10. Pay down high credit balances. Perferably
30% under your spnding limit.
Great stuff, I might add that people should google 800+ score profiles. That would give people some insight on what it takes.
Tiger, would the identity theft package remove a bankruptcy(public record) that is not 7 years out?
Great tips on credit repair here - big thanks to Tiger777 for sharing your expertise!!
To anyone who is saddled with exorbitant student loans...
I have a strategy which will work, but may be considered controversial by some.
This strategy will mess up your credit for a while, but if you want to get rid of that nasty debt, it's a tool.
And it won't be that bad, if you use Tiger777's ideas presented here.
Basically, it works like this:
Student loans are highly regulated and practically impossible to get rid of AS THEY ARE.
So move that debt over to a different type of debt (such as unsecured loans) then get rid of that debt using other methods.
I hate to be so general in my description, but I don't want to put this out there too much.
Still hope this helps.