"Tiger, would the identity theft package remove a bankruptcy(public record) that is not 7 years out?"
Yes, ID Theft will remove Bankruptcies, Student Loans,
Collections, Repossessions, Late Payments, Tax Liens,
Civil Judgments, Foerclosures, Wage Garnisments,
Child Support, etc.
ALL negative items will be removed with the correct
Identity Theft Package.
"Does anyone have any tips on removing student loans.........I think they have us tied in on these forever or atleast til they're paid off even if you are in default. It doesn't seem possible to call identity theft on these although it sure would be nice."
If you're working with a seasoned Credit Repair Expert,
he / she will LEGALLY show / explain how the Student Loan(s)
can / should be included in your ID Theft package.
Keep in mind, no negative item on your credit profile
has anymore weight over another negative item.
The bankruptcy is just as easy to have removed from your
profile as the collection... The foreclosure is as simple
to remove as the late payment.
A negative item is a negative item, is a negative item.
ALL negative items can / will be removed with the proper
ID Theft package.
My student loans are the devil. Every time your loans are transferred or combined it creates another account (line). So you look at the credit report and see lines and lines of the same d*** thing. I went into default several years ago but have since resolved that issue. That default is still on my report as well as the new consolidated account. UGH!
Enroll in Credit Karma. I know this isn't the score most places use but I read it may be pretty close.
The BOA card has helped me a lot. My score with Equifax increased 27pts in 30days just making the on time payments. They report regularly. I just paid down the balance to around 30-35% of the limit. In a few days, I'll check to see how that helped my score.
The info Tiger777 is providing is on the money. Depending on the outcome of this new score, a tradeline may be the next step. I'm trying to qualify for a mortgage.
"Enroll in Credit Karma. I know this isn't the score most places use but I read it may be pretty close."
You're absolutely correct... Credit Karma will show a
"FAKO" Score. If you receive your scores directly from
one of the major repositories (Equifax, TransUnion,
or Experian), your score will reflect a true FICO Score.
If using one of the third party Credit Monitoring services like
Credit Karma or Credit Check Total, you will ALWAYS receive
a FAKO Score.
However, your FAKO Score will give you an approximation
of what your score is... Your FAKO Score will be lower
(about 10-50 points on average) than your FICO Score.
Know when to use a FAKO vs a FICO Score.
"My student loans are the devil."
Keep in mind, you signed a legal document
giving the "devil" access to your life. LOL!
The great news is... You can cast ALL your
Student Loans into the "fiery pits of hell", never
to return again!
Learn how to play the Credit Repair game,
and the "devil" will never be the cause of you
losing sleep (EVER) again! :))
(04-05-2015 01:10 AM)tiger777 Wrote: [ -> ]"My student loans are the devil."
Keep in mind, you signed a legal document
giving the "devil" access to your life. LOL!
The great news is... You can cast ALL your
Student Loans into the "fiery pits of hell", never
to return again!
Learn how to play the Credit Repair game,
and the "devil" will never be the cause of you
losing sleep (EVER) again! :))

What's the (ABSOLUTE) first thing I MUST
know about Credit Repair?
OK... Here's the BIGGEST Credit Repair secert
in the world!
1. Learn how to (LEGALLY) read a Tri-Merge report
from a (Third Party) Credit Monitoring company.
Once you do this, you will NEVER have bad
credit (EVER) again.
2. NEVER dispute negative or positive items
on your credit report with a report (DIRECTLY)
from TransUnion.
ALWAYS use a credit report from a (Third Party)
Credit Monitoring company!
If you master 1 and 2 (above), say hello to 750 credit scores...
If not, you're screwed and the likelihood of repairing your
credit is "nil."
The above information is your FULL pardon from
Credit Restoration hell, and the most valuable tip anyone
will EVER share with you!
(04-05-2015 01:10 AM)tiger777 Wrote: [ -> ]"My student loans are the devil."
Keep in mind, you signed a legal document
giving the "devil" access to your life. LOL!
The great news is... You can cast ALL your
Student Loans into the "fiery pits of hell", never
to return again!
Learn how to play the Credit Repair game,
and the "devil" will never be the cause of you
losing sleep (EVER) again! :))
Way to go Tiger!
You've provided better info on this thread than any product
I've seen on the subject. The game has certainly changed.
Thanks for providing the very interesting and valuable update.
Max Reps to you and the op.
You guys / gals are more than welcome!
It's an absolute pleasure helping my BBHF family!
(04-05-2015 01:26 AM)tiger777 Wrote: [ -> ]What's the (ABSOLUTE) first thing I MUST
know about Credit Repair?
OK... Here's the BIGGEST Credit Repair secert
in the world!
1. Learn how to (LEGALLY) read a Tri-Merge report
from a (Third Party) Credit Monitoring company.
Once you do this, you will NEVER have bad
credit (EVER) again.
2. NEVER dispute negative or positive items
on your credit report with a report (DIRECTLY)
from TransUnion.
ALWAYS use a credit report from a (Third Party)
Credit Monitoring company!
If you master 1 and 2 (above), say hello to 750 credit scores...
If not, you're screwed and the likelihood of repairing your
credit is "nil."
The above information is your FULL pardon from
Credit Restoration hell, and the most valuable tip anyone
will EVER share with you!
Why not transunion?