how about success rate submission this software?
We bookmarking tool got more than 75% success rate.
(01-17-2016 10:15 PM)sullichoi Wrote: [ -> ]how about success rate submission this software?
Hi! seller,
I just made the $17 payment for the social bookmarking software.
How do access or download it?
Hi Aanu,
Thanks for purchasing Lite Package.
The Package delivered to the PayPal Email,Please Check Inbox/Spam
(01-18-2016 01:57 AM)Aanu Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! seller,
I just made the $17 payment for the social bookmarking software.
How do access or download it?
Hi I have purchase this before but did not install the software and now I trying to install from the email that you send to me to download from is not working. I did email to you naveen. Can you check you ermail please.
Replied to the email Redsun
(01-18-2016 06:20 PM)Redsun Wrote: [ -> ]Hi I have purchase this before but did not install the software and now I trying to install from the email that you send to me to download from is not working. I did email to you naveen. Can you check you ermail please.
payment made, could not find the download link. ID: 3HE737041N7620932