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Panda Smart Browser 6.7.1
- Minimize PSB after Autostarted is now optional
- Page and Keyword randomness mechanism is improved
- Firefox User Agent has been updated to 47
- Geo-IP Cache added to the server
- Several Bug fixes and performance improvements

http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</PandaDownload
This tool belongs in the digital junkyard. Mods please delete this thread, save members time.
(07-21-2016 08:23 AM)phil123 Wrote: [ -> ]This tool belongs in the digital junkyard. Mods please delete this thread, save members time.

Yep. Last time I looked, there were LESS THAN 200 users using it worldwide.

This is because the short-sighted and rather stupid developer MosesW first gave users 90% browsing credit (i.e. let bot browse for other sites using your IP for 60 minutes and you got 54 minutes searching for your sites in return)

Then MosesW got greedy and gave users 50% browsing credit (i.e. browse for 60 minutes and get 30 minutes in return!)

Result: MosesW lost 95% of all users!

Shame really.

And as phil123 says, this bot (and the developer) is a complete joke, so best avoid.
So far I'm yet to see any results. I have eared approx 100 hours and had no time paid back. Furthermore my rank is 465 and yet there is only about 300 users on the network. WTF
Here is a screenshot of users on the network taken 23 July 2016.
[Image: Realtime-Panda-Smart-Browsers-by-Countries.png]
Update: It has been a month now, and no crashes. The bot is running flawlessly overnight for me. The new update is very stable.

This is no easy thing, as the bot is based upon Ubot Studio.

I upgraded during the summer sale to a regular user @120% credit for time running as a "slave" to boost other members sites.

Either way, free or regular paid user, the bot is now running extremely well.

One thing that bothered me until now, was the lack of built in history "cache". That problem has now been solved in the latest update.

"Cache" i.e. [browsing history] is what sites like Amazon, Google, Facebook, Craigslist and others want to see when a user browser connects to their properties. Most of these prime properties have incredible algorithms to determine if a visitor is human or a bot.

Things like a browsers screen size, and if its "full windowed", are checked by google to see if their is any variation between visits. Little things like this could be enough for google to determine if a browser is human or a bot. i.e. a bot would not normally be able to vary the screen size during it's visits [unless it's programed to do this?], so that could be just enough to give away a bot.

Whereby a human could have any number of different screen sizes that it is using for that particular day or visit...thereby making google believe that the user is human due to the lack of uniformity.

The whole idea here is fool google into thinking that a visitor is a human, and thereby give the visitor a credit for visiting a site via the google serp results. If google thinks that the visitor/user is "non-human", i.e. a bot, then game over, no score.

This is very tricky indeed. The IP address has to be unique to the host user running the bot, and yet keeping normal things working on the bot, such as webrtc, flash on, java on, and so on.

The ideal bot should not "turn off" java, flash, or webrtc, as a normal user would have these on during a typical visit [remember, the bot needs to "mirror" what a human visit would do and appear to google]. But, these metrics do give away a browsers entire header structure and real IP address. That should not be a problem, as the bot is running on a "host" users system where all of these metrics should be normal to the user and to the bot.

The bot needs to virtually incorporate into the bot programing what a typical user/browser would make visible to google when it visits. That can't be easy, and google isn't saying what it looks at to make its determination as to what is human or a bot.

Very few if any bots could mimic a human set of random browser variables...but pandabot may be ready for a breakthrough here.

Up until now, the bot had almost everything but "history cache" built into it. That problem has now been fixed in this latest update.

It is suspicious to google or Amazon for a browser [user] to lack any cache [history] whatsoever when it visits, so that visit may be voided as a bot. That would defeat the purpose of this bot system.

Now with cache history "injected" into the browser [latest version], that last key bit of "human" browser activity is now in place. This may be just enough to fool google, amazon and youtube into thinking that the "visitor" is a real human, not a bot.


It's a miracle!!! ? two hours after my last post complaining about the lack of traffic, the bot system is sending traffic my way. I think that this bot platform would be better when more users get onto it.
Panda Smart Browser 6.8.1
- Multiple Countries now can be selected as Traffic Source Country
- Ability to give Priority to the Traffic Campaigns
- Ability to choose Traffic Source Operating System Languages
- Ability to run Traffic Campaigns with Random BackLinks
- Ability to report the SERPs visited during Organic Traffic Task
- Ability to set Max SERP to search
- Ability to set the specific website page to be clicked in the SERPs
- Ability to assign Search Engines to your Keywords
- Ability to assign Keywords to your Pages
- Chrome User Agent has been updated to 52
- Firefox User Agent has been updated to 48
If you are having difficulties to run the latest version.

Please navigate http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</PandaDownload and download all files.

Please add Panda Smart Browser.exe to the exclusion list of your Antivirus.

Run PSB Support Files Extractor.

Then unzip Password : PandaBotNetwork

Run your Panda Smart Browser.exe
Aight what's up with this thing? I used briefly about a year ago, had no initial results, stopped using. I had 1 leftover Yt campaign that somehow over a period of 12 months pushed 1 of my YT videos to page 1 in YT SERPs for a semi-competitive keyword. Why I was getting any traffic from this is beyond me since I didn't use the bot at all, but I kept getting 30-40 views per month for a specific keyword...

I tried adding new videos, doesn't let me. Thought maybe I'm only allowed 1 vid as a free member, deleted my old campaign but adding new videos still doesn't go through.
I also can't add any website at all.

Fix your back end Moses, it's broken.
(02-05-2017 10:50 AM)LoneLion Wrote: [ -> ]Aight what's up with this thing? I used briefly about a year ago, had no initial results, stopped using. I had 1 leftover Yt campaign that somehow over a period of 12 months pushed 1 of my YT videos to page 1 in YT SERPs for a semi-competitive keyword. Why I was getting any traffic from this is beyond me since I didn't use the bot at all, but I kept getting 30-40 views per month for a specific keyword...

I tried adding new videos, doesn't let me. Thought maybe I'm only allowed 1 vid as a free member, deleted my old campaign but adding new videos still doesn't go through.
I also can't add any website at all.

Fix your back end Moses, it's broken.

Well sorry for the late reply by the way :)

You can add unlimited Websites and YouTube Videos to promote.
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