09-25-2014, 01:19 AM
The generated traffic comes from the Panda Smart Browsers which are running by real humans.
The Websites/YouTube Videos of the Network members who have more Traffic Time Credits (who have less Network Traffic Priority Ranks) will have Traffic sooner and more frequently from the Panda Bot Network.
The system must be fair, your campaign will be run surely because you have more than 30 minutes of Traffic Time Credits but not very soon because the system will favor the members who have more Traffic Time Credits over you, the reverse will not be fair.
The Websites/YouTube Videos of the Network members who have more Traffic Time Credits (who have less Network Traffic Priority Ranks) will have Traffic sooner and more frequently from the Panda Bot Network.
The system must be fair, your campaign will be run surely because you have more than 30 minutes of Traffic Time Credits but not very soon because the system will favor the members who have more Traffic Time Credits over you, the reverse will not be fair.
(09-24-2014 09:53 AM)Xythras Wrote: [ -> ]Does it work in a Win XP virtual machine? How about a dozen of them just running by themselves?The Panda Smart Browser sessions are restricted based on both username and IP address. You cannot run two instances of PSB with same username wherever you are and you cannot run two instances of PSB on the same IP whatever your usernames are. Briefly you can run only one instance of Panda Smart Browser.
(09-24-2014 12:23 PM)omitakatori Wrote: [ -> ]"Control Panel\System and Security\System" then "Advanced System Settings" then "Settings under Performance" then "Data Execution Prevention" tab it will be good if you set "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only.(09-24-2014 06:23 AM)MosesW Wrote: [ -> ](09-23-2014 12:09 PM)omitakatori Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, I have the latest, I have 16gb Ram and where I could see "3. You did not enabled Data Execution Prevention for the Panda Smart Browser"