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UPDATE # 5. I have been running version 5.5.5 now for about 24 hours. I can say that this new version is stable, and will get the job done.

However, one caution....don't run your computer beyond 50% of it's CPU or memory capacity with running the Panda Browser in the background.

That means don't run your normal browsers i.e. firefox / chrome etc / and / or bittorrents while using Panda in the background, as the Panda needs sufficient CPU and memory to "restart" every few hours....

If you computer is bogged down with lots of taskbar "services" running on autostart [when your computer starts and logs on], then Panda may have a hard time running in a low memory or CPU load zone.

Clean and stop all optional services that are running in your taskbar, and then try using the Panda browser when you have liberated sufficient memory and CPU capacity to run all night.

PS: May I suggest that you "turn OFF" Google's safebrowsing in firefox when you are visiting the PandaNet dashboard, as google is tracking your IP's and URL's when you visit any site, and can mark your IP as a "blackhat" IP for manual review of your activities.....

see: post # 22
I've tried v5.5.5 but always got problem on windows 7 and .NET v4.5.2
I've closed all app and just started Pandabot but it's the same
It loads fine the first page but then clicking on Start Panda browser, it loads a lot of pandabot in task bar
But when disabling "Crash recovery mode" it WORKS fine !
error on latest version:

Script error
Your license key is expired or corrupted
If you are the site administrator click this link to fix.

Any updates? It is happening since yesterday


[Image: p0k4l7i9h]
Can't log into the site and the PSB browser won't connect. I love the idea of the PandaBot but it has been the buggiest system I've ever been involved with. There are issues with virtually every update (which are numerous) and now the entire system appears to be down. I'm not sure it's worth fooling with anymore.
It has been fixed, thanks for reporting.
i can connect now but social network list does not work and the traffic balance shows as 0
something still does not work
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

when I check any tab from my.pandabot
All have been fixed, thanks for reporting.
Noot working Balance -8:-4:-4
Your balance is minus. It means you have received more traffic than your previous balance.
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