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(06-24-2015 09:17 AM)KevinH Wrote: [ -> ]Been using this for 2 month, all of a sudden, it's says "your internet connection is via Proxy server" i use direct connection, what is going on?

It seems changed its algorithm, I will investigate the issue.
Panda Smart Browser 5.6.2
- Facebook Post Share codes improved to include new types of post shares
- Proxy Checker source has been changed since lots of false positive reported

Your PSB will update itself.
Traffic flow is really BAD, to big spikes between visitors, dosent look good.
Panda Smart Browser 5.7.2
- Panda Smart Browsers will use the McAfee tools to test the websites before browsing them
- Firefox User Agent has been updated to 39
- Bug fixes and performance improvements

Panda Smart Browser uses the McAfee's TrustedSource to assess your websites safety and content. Then please:
1. Visit
2. Select McAfee Site Advisor
3. Type your website domain name as appeared on your Panda Bot Net Back Office
4. Click Check URL
5. If the Categorization is empty or something you don't approve then
6. Suggest Categories for your website
7. Click Submit URL for Review
8. Tip: If you become a registered user then review process may take shorter.

The Uncategorized Websites or the Websites that are under the categories below will not be browsed by the Panda Smart Browsers: 1. Controversial Opinions 2. Criminal Activities 3. Extreme 4. Gruesome Content 5. Hacking/Computer Crime 6. Hate/Discrimination 7. Illegal Software 8.Incidental Nudity 9. Malicious Sites 10. Nudity 11. P2P/File Sharing 12. Parked Domain 13. Phishing 14. Pornography 15. Profanity 16. Sexual Materials 17. Spam URLs 18. Spyware/Adware 19. Violence

Your PSB will update itself in normal conditions, if you require manual update:
Please delete the current Panda Smart Browser.exe from your computer.
Download the new Panda Smart Browser.exe from http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</PandaSmartBrowser

Virus Total Scan Results of the Panda Smart Browser V5.7.2
Pandabot is working very bad , 24 hours working and generates no time, do not make visits to my sites and the media is a shame. I am a member updated
Ever since the credit for browsing was cut to 50% instead of the original 90%, this bot has gone down hill. There are now less than 200 regular users, so the SEO benefits are poor.

It's a shame that the creator got so greedy and wanted to get rich quick. If he kept to the original proposition, more people would have used the bot and he would still have made a fortune.
(07-28-2015 02:47 AM)kirstie Wrote: [ -> ]Ever since the credit for browsing was cut to 50% instead of the original 90%, this bot has gone down hill. There are now less than 200 regular users, so the SEO benefits are poor.

It's a shame that the creator got so greedy and wanted to get rich quick. If he kept to the original proposition, more people would have used the bot and he would still have made a fortune.
I agree. The hook to get people to sign up at 90% and then dropping to 50% is going to kill this great concept. I'm about ready to drop it like so many others have if it is not brought back up to 90%.
Completely agree to last comments, this is super good bot but owner will kill it. I have website for about one year and I have 5000+ registered members. After one year I got very small amount of money, but I'm still working and not rising prices, or adding things to force buy my goods.

This is just question of time when someone will make same bot whit 90%.
Is it still free? I'm trying to sign up for it but it wants me to pay at least $19 a month through PayPal.
I'm trying to register but I never get the verification email. Does it not work with gmail?
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