@Brett Rutecky
Who are you M**** to teach us moralities...go f[][k G00gle the master stealer.Don't try to threaten us we are a large family..you cant do anything here our master blasters who spend their time and effort to make service for people and enlighten them.
OP - stfu and get lost!
If your "comapany" was real, they would get legal copyrights, not just "Agree to terms" box thats "auto-checked" by default (which nobody reads).
If you don't have a legal copyright, then we can do what the F*** ever we want with it!
PS: Maybe if these wanks posting S***** ubot programs and .NET programs were half tarded, we would buy it. Today, everyone is a programmer. Give some kid uBot Studio and he thinks he is now a "programmer"... Sorry, but creating S***** programs in uBot doesn't make you a programmer. Programming in VB "barely" makes you a programmer.
Look at SENuke, his software is shit anymore, but hes still charging over $100/mo for it. The real scumbags are the ones raping the scene, creating GARBAGE products, and acting like its going to make everyone a million bucks.
Here is a tip, if you come across some bitch selling their #1 hot amazing secret for under $10,000, then that person who your looking at to learn from is not making it either. 99% of the crap posted and sold, is created by people who are STILL working a 9-5 and dreaming about making money on the internet still.
I don't buy products, especailly "wso" products, because they are usually all F****** trash, sold by broke a$$ punks who couldn't make money selling their ass to homeless men for alcohol.
As for the OP, stfu nobody cares about "your company".. They can go cry themselves to sleep. Maybe one day they will become a real company, hire real programmers to add real protection, learn a real programming language, and have real employees.. That will be the day when broke idiots stop selling "make money online" guides.
Jeez... just let it go, the OP hasn't logged in since he started this thread, move on