I came across this forum when someone linked me to it after noticing a cracked version of one of my companies software is being offered on here (crack no longer works by the way)
One thing I quickly noticed is that this forum is full of people posting hax/cracks of software and other tools. Do you people not realize that a modern software generally takes 1000+ hours to develop and normally several months to get to a release state. Posting and spreading 'cracks' is not a 'black hat' method. Black Hat originally referred to SEO methods. What this forum does is flat out encourage people to steal. Cracking software and spreading it for free is stealing plain and simple. Your stealing the time that the developer spent to create the software. Development is a job and developers have family's to feed and mortgages to pay just like everyone else. Stealing there work is no different than if I where to steal your wallet.
Quite honestly I was SHOCKED and appalled to find that this forum is full of this kind of stuff. People promoting theft. While Im sure that everyone on here does not participate in this kind of behavior to the ones that do I just want to say:
"Shame on you that you would sink so low as to steal a persons work. Its pathetic, dirty and frankly illegal."
I agree, this forum is GREAT! Thanks to everyone providing great shares that all members can benefit from!
wrong section.. any ur welcome here.. go to introduction section
Which is your software Brett?
Yeah call us a stealer.
But your no different from us f uck er!
You also steal from newbie people.
Guys look at this scumbag.
On a piece of software he is already pissed of
But he claims on one of his products this one:
Brett Rutecky Wrote:I made over $19,000 with WSO's. So can you! - Im going to show you step by step how I managed to earn over $19,000 in income with the Warrior forum and WSO's even though I had no experience, affiliates, or email list.
If you truly earns $19,000 then why are you pissed of on just a single pathetic software of yours that even worth our penny.
The fact your lying when you said you claim to earn $19,000
Now look at this guy earning $19,000 and now here crying for just cents!
my companies software
Your stealing the time
have family's to feed
Stealing there work
if I where to steal
While Im sure
for sinking so low that you would sink so low as
Must work in the documentation department!!! :)
oh...i like you men...you're the man....

+rep for you
(10-11-2013 11:04 AM)chito Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah call us a stealer.
But your no different from us f uck er!
You also steal from newbie people.
Guys look at this scumbag.
On a piece of software he is already pissed of
But he claims on one of his products this one:
Brett Rutecky Wrote:I made over $19,000 with WSO's. So can you! - Im going to show you step by step how I managed to earn over $19,000 in income with the Warrior forum and WSO's even though I had no experience, affiliates, or email list.
If you truly earns $19,000 then why are you pissed of on just a single pathetic software of yours that even worth our penny.
The fact your lying when you said you claim to earn $19,000
Now look at this guy earning $19,000 and now here crying for just cents!
you guys come out with S***** software and info products lol its funny
but thats like the united states calling other country's terrist but really they are the terrist
if you are they ones that F*** the seo game up with all this S***** ass products and dreams that you sell to customers and given them bad reps on products that is here today and gone tomorrow with no support. take funds from one paypal and exchange it to the next. im glad to have this family BBHF they dont judge and they pull the cover off of you F*** n fakes before some take their hard earned money and input it into your F****** pockets so go F*** yourself and your developers in the black hole wer it dont shine
Nice one Chito! You hit him back on his face!
Guys, i checked his linkedin profile.
And found also that he claims on his apps this one:
Quote:First Social Apps
August 2011 to Present
Brett Rutecky
Developed a full suite of Facebook fan page apps ranging from a custom page builder to a contests, sweepstakes and deals. Managed all marketing, development and programming 100%. I was the sole worker on this project. Generated over $30,000 in net sales with over 850 active users.
$18,000 + $30,000 = $48,000
Oh come on, this guy is bluffing!
How pathetic!
He had a ripoff records before:
Quote: Brett Rutecky and his associates advertise on the internet that they will sell and install a coupon script to any host for you to start your own coupon internet business. Like a fool I took a chance on this and paid him to do so. After several weeks of having to purchase additional host packages at other servers because he could not figure out how to upload to Yahoo's server then when he said he was finish I went to use the site and the functions did not work. For several days following he would say it must be security issues on the server (mind you he recommended this server said he had 75 other sites on it but couldn't figure out what was wrong) then he said the coupon script had bugs in it. When I stated to question him about the script he became angry with me and told me to F%#and OFF! Since then I sent him an email requesting a refund and since HE pointed out I paid through Paypal (which is the only means of payment he allows) that Paypal will not issue refund because it is software and even sent me a link to Paypal refund Policies. After researching it further I'm not the first but I hope I'm the last. There are some great coupon scripts out there for someone wanting to get into the coupon business just don't get scammed by this outfit and his band of thieves.
His face
is worst than a F * * * ing criminal!
Shame his pointing fingers on us blackhatters!
Well let show him the power of blackhatters and boycott all of his product!
Expose that all of his products were nothing but piece of sh1t!