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Full Version: Stealing digital products is still wrong
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d*** Brett, I swear I seen your mug on Dateline's To Catch a Predator lol. I never forget a face, especially one so disfigured...
@Brett Rutecky

Probably you haven't check the whole site yet. This site is about supporting GOOD DEVELOPERS. people try products -> people trash sh*ty products ->people buy GOOD PRODUCTS.

This site acts as a good filter so people can only choose the best products to use. Maybe you should check comments on your products

"If you are earning money from the tools/things I shared to you. Please pay full the original owner soon." - mariastone

I buy software all the time, and wordpress themes. BUT I come here first to make sure it is not CRAP, which 99% of it ends up being. Been there, done that.
Oh Brett... we're finding out all sorts of stuff about you... and Dawn too.
(10-11-2013 01:33 PM)lowno Wrote: [ -> ]I buy software all the time, and wordpress themes. BUT I come here first to make sure it is not CRAP, which 99% of it ends up being. Been there, done that.
Same here! Brett Rutecky is just another pathetic pedlar of WSO crap
Raven got me thinking about the turd after I read one of the complaints
I was curious to find out what his price for a coupon script was listing for on his site in 2010 year of the complaint. Where he double posted that he offered a $35.oo refund. Wonder which package he hooked them on?

Prices from his defunct site:

"We have 3 different packages; pick the one that best suits your needs.

Script only: No support, no installation: $195.00

Script with installation and 1 year of support: $265.00

Complete website , domain name, hosting, script,
installation, and support: $335.00"

You can go to the link to see how his site evolved
Your are a F****** Hippocrate.
Plain and Simple.
Douche Bags Like Yourself

Are What Made Me Go Black Hat.
Always selling empty promises.

And of course, I noticed you have nothing to say about The Rip Off Report On you.

I am not surpised.
Like I said, you live in a glass house throwing Stones

At us. Go F*** Yourself You 2 Face Piece Of Shit!
Hey guys, I'd take any threat of a DMCA infraction complaint seriously. Those who have partners and buddies here on GBs should definitely have all emails to maintain contact with each other just incase this site gets blocked by Big Brother Obama!
Great thread! Thanks for the comedy!
(10-11-2013 11:38 AM)Hangman Wrote: [ -> ]Crack no longer works shame really as that was probally the only thing about your software that actually worked clearly S*** for making money or for or you wouldn't share it ( sorry but anyone with genuine way to earn that money WOULD NOT sell it for peanuts on WF.....
^This...If anyone truly found such a way - spending time on creating a WSO or "software/plugin" would prove to be a ridiculous waste of time. This is why we don't pay for such crap - there are only grains of sand worth their salt in any WSO or "Miracle Software" - and let me tell you - that kind of salt is fairly cheap. Honestly - shame on product creators that claim these things and prey on the fears of the poor, lost, and insecure.

Of course it's not true of instructional WSO's that are semi-akin to courses on website building - photoshop - graphics - finding and building backlinks - SEO tactics - PPC Tactics - Optimizing Videos - etc... That stuff (although also rehashed much of the time) is genuinely useful. The rest of it is garbage.

On that same note - many products out there - even on the actual developer chain by "big" companies - are also "shite" - "blackhat forum" and "pirating" gives a user the ability to test out the information, software, and whatever else to really see if it is worth anything. These are mostly people who weren't going to buy said product to begin with - however, if the product proves useful - they are actually 20-30 times more likely to buy said product or invest in said product owner/company.

It genuinely makes me wonder how WSO's would fair if there was a donate button instead of a buy button?
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