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It's simple :D I'm going into the web design niche. Trying to make atleast 2000 a month.

That's all for now... more details later !
Okay as I'm typing and thinking, I see it's time I get more serious about my internet marketing career. I mean I have years of information stored in my brain ... I could even release wso's if I wanted " But who couldn't lol "

So I'm going into blogging, email, and membership sites... also graphic design, kindle books, mobile game design, and t shirt company. this is enough to keep any person busy if they focus...

AND THAT'S the purpose of this ... I NEED FOCUS.. Usually when I do case studies it helps keep me on track so that's why i'm doing this ...

Its a lot but I have time when I'm done with martial arts and working out... other than that enjoy my journey with me ! :D and I'm hoping I can take this further than what I am now ...

Alright first thing first ... the plan ... after dealing with online marketing and business in general ... its best to have a plan even If you don't stick to it.... sometimes its good to have a start ... Me this how I will go about doing just that.

Site one - Main money maker site - this site will be the site I focus majority of my time drawing traffic to ... this will be my main site.. so the plan for this site will be more detail than other sites. This is my main focus...

The niche is music - that belongs to me... I'm also a musician ... but that's not all :D

Its easier in this niche than in any other niche due to the expectancy of it all... email works beautiful and also social proof is what is needed.

so with out talking to you to much this is how its going to go for me

Site one - Music " Musician "
Site Two - Music " Production " instrumentals and film "
Site three - urban hip hop forum
site four - marketing/advertising/graphic design
site five - game design, and coding
site six - t shirt company
Site seven - kindle

alright that's seven different revenue streams... seven different ways to generate income... i'm focusing on making money everyday from each one...

Long days and nights are coming for me ... but this the only way I know How to focus ... telling you and sharing with you what can help you become a success to ... lets make it together !
Okay I already had some domains.. I purchase them a few months ago... I'm looking to transfer a couple and get a couple. plus i'm looking into the best hosting ... I'm hosting a few domains so it's only natural to find one that wont crash on me. That's all i'm working on today .... researching ....
Good luck on ur journey buddy

u going to start all those projects at same time? or one by one?

also, u going to do that alone or do u have a team?
I have already started majority of them already ... the music esp been doing that for a while now. I have a few people working with me on the music ... I have books already written and plots that needs to be written... The marketing I can do that in under an hour for what I will be offering and I will outsource majority of the work ... the graphic design is the same... alot of what I do will be outsource !

The only thing I will personally handle is the music, books, and T shirt designs ! But the forum is what might take the longest to build up ... I expect atleast two years to get it to the point I want it to be at!
Okay slight change of plans... after reading this thread

I'm going to follow that ... so site four becomes site one and everything moves down from that.
The goal is 1000. I will offer article writing services, web site designs, domain names and hosting as a package. and also white board and animations videos. Also seo services.... so as you can see this is more than a simple writing service!

I already have the domain name and hosting and I already install my theme. The next step is organizing all my
services in places and writing the copy for it. So I'm gone stop every other thing I was doing to fully finish and
have this up and running by monday no later than weds.

So that's it for today. I will work on that and follow that guide until I make it ! I know it works .. I done it before on a smaller scale and using a similar method !
Okay today is all about organizing my web marketing service site... I have to write the copy and also price it right.

I had got an inbox from a member about web design and landing pages. I will shed what knowledge I have gain from that.

When designing a landing page make sure your main focus is on conversions and to do that you need to know how to split test ... also your landing page needs and purpose ... what do you want the visitor to do, sign up and give you information about them ... Or whatever your goal is ... So have a goal and make different variations of that page ... test one element at a time ... change the headline and see if that boost your conversions, change the placement of your OPT IN form... just make a change and see what happens .... that's all we can really do. TEST, TEST, TEST.

So without talking to much on that ... you need to focus on conversions.... If you can't convert the visitors then you can't get anymore new leads? I hope that cleared up a lot about landing pages!
Once again after taking my time and going over everything. I came to the conclusion. That I need to focus on a few things at the moment. With training that alone takes a lot of time and put a lot of stress on my body, but I love it.

SO I decided to do this as it's something I can do very easily ...

First is the services site - I finish all my plans for that... I know exactly what to offer and how to offer it.
Second is my authour ! I have stories already written ... I think I would like to see more from them...
third is my clothing and jewelry ecommerce site ... once again excuse the typos and grammer mistake... i'm
typing pretty fast... whatever comes out comes out ... this my dairy you can say... I'm just openly sharing my thoughts
with you :D

But beside all that... that's what I will be focusing on until the new year comes in. I made my mind up and I need a lil more time to polish my music and also to come up a much more effective plan than what I currently have... I realize in this niche... In order to maximize the earnings.. you have to do it in a certain way...maybe this me looking at the niche
using knowledge I learn and knowing what to look for ...But I just can't help but notice so things that's not being spoke
up on ...but I wonder do anyone knows.... That's something I need to look more into ..

alright for the next three months... its nothing but training, writing books,service business, and clothing and jewelry line.

My first week was spent researching, brainstorming, and finding avenues to travel on. Also set goals and small milestones to reach. Also preparing yourself for the task you are about to take. Then coming to terms with what you really want to do and following through with it.

You may not be able to do some of the things I can do and I may not be able to some things you can do. Find your strengths " What you like to do? " and Find your weakness " What you do not like to d? " And work on both. Never forget your own weakness or strengths. Always look to improve both aspects of it.

Set a goal for everything. Then set milestones " smaller goals " to achieve that leads up to your finally goal. This keeps you focus on the task and keeps you going forward. It helps and I suggest trying it. If it works for you, great. If it don't, find another method. :D

Last thing ... keeping a journal or note's really help. You get to review as time goes on. You get to see where you started and where you are going to ... that's why I do it.. and I'm hoping to inspire someone else in the community to try it as well.

That's it !
okay back with and update short and sweet !

I'm writing out the finishing details and I will start monday !
its been 2 days man, we need an update dont slack off!
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