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Full Version: Treeman New Case study bitches " Blaze Up"
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Some great information being shared here. I second getting a project manager. It makes a world of difference.
(01-15-2014 01:25 AM)mrun Wrote: [ -> ]Some great information being shared here. I second getting a project manager. It makes a world of difference.
You mean anything like basecamp?

When Youre alone a mindmap and excel should be well enough
^^ true but it still good to pratice using software you will upgrade to!

I know I haven't updated this in awhile. I just been out of it after finding out my mom is sick. She been my backbone and I really don't know how to approach this. I haven't spoken to no one about this, your the first of people to know. I was gone re release a couple books but now I'm like that's not as important as other things. So I suggest everyone read this book from this thread.

That's what I'm going to do. At this point that's all I can do and be patient. It works my nerves in ways I never had to deal with before.

Link below
D.amn it!
You guys--Hajjopei and Treeman are awesome.
You have made me realize how much time I have wasted while I should already be making bank! You see, I am in an 8-5 job, I got free internet connection and 3 hours of free time and all I have done has been reading and reading about IM for almost 3 years! As if that was not enough, I am a professional graphic designer--I do digital illustrations too... Photoshop and a myriad of other softs. I am also a writer in fiction and non fiction; I do 3D, video editing and a bit of VFX but I've been suffering from lack of action-taking and generally not knowing where to start.
I also confess that I generally hate freelance sites as they pay peanuts for that a bad weakness? Anyway, I wish you guys success while I put my act together too... but if any of you guys need to outsource some graphics/ writing, I have 3 hours per day to spare. My goal is to reach $50 per day, then I'll resign fro this god-forsaken job. Cheers!
Bro get your ass on kindle. lol there are loads of books and you can be writing and making money from your 8-5
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