@Istenais: big mouth, nothing more.
We all know what for....
BTW, can anybody reup it please? cause the one direct link seems to only add k1ndlebest5eller5ecrets. pdf which isnt the autopilot course... or am I getting anything wrong?
Well, I found the complete one elsewhere again, cause the initial poster had a restricition in "free seats", it wasnt downloadable anymore.
So, here is a "mirror" for yall.
Have fun.
P.S.: Didnt check contents or else, just check out urself.
EDIT: Okay, checked, everything cool with this DL.
BTW, was this prominently promoted? havent seen aynthing anywhere in no emails at all....
@ Istenais
Still Searching and Downloading FREE STUFF ?
Still wish to become a LEECHER at Bestblackhatforum ?
Shame on you......Indeed a TRULY SUPER SELFISH BOY....
Well what I dont get, the course I put in here has a completely different content than the one by OP...
I found it after a search and it has the title that was fitting the other REQ thread, where I posted it. This thread here says another title, actually a froum thread title from WF and has different contents...
And admin took the other thread called amazon autopilot traffic to here, just because it is the same author ? The courses are different... weird puzzled.