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(09-22-2013 05:42 PM)LeecherEatMyShit Aka THOR Wrote: [ -> ]You are really a S***** LEECHER + UNGRATEFUL ASS A**H***** Angry
go to hell..i dont care who u r..pls leave me alone! Angry Angry
Thor suck my balls :(
(09-22-2013 11:27 PM)mr.brovo Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-22-2013 05:42 PM)LeecherEatMyShit Aka THOR Wrote: [ -> ]You are really a S***** LEECHER + UNGRATEFUL ASS A**H***** Angry
go to hell..i dont care who u r..pls leave me alone! Angry Angry
Hell don't like me as i belong to the HEAVEN.

While you continue leeching here like a DESPERATE BEGGAR.

I also DON'T CARE WHO THE F * * * you are 42rock Biggrin Biggrin
(09-22-2013 11:36 PM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]Thor suck my balls :(
While i s****** your balls,

your mum + dad are watching you the USELESS SON for being such a GAY BOY LEECHER.....



Posts: 2
Joined: Sep 2012

Reputation: 0

Go F * * * Your OWN STATS.....

Shame on you .....Bring disgrace to your family...As usual NO intention to share anything at here ...

Greedy B****** BOY Downloading stuff ..... Lol

Go get a DAY JOB and stop being a DESPERATE LEECHER at Bestblackhtforum Biggrin Biggrin

Edit - Oh please, i don't like to suck SMALL and WEAK BALLS of yours Istenais....


Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
I bought this wso course and must said: "Wow, it's awesome wso". Yup, i said that cause many wso about kindle promotion that o saw before was totally crap. And only that course cover all from a to z with easy to promote ebook and especially give some new idea's how to generate huge cash. Only three points that you need to decide first: where to find quality content, which niche promote and which keyword to choose.
Love From Russia with love.
thanks for this
(09-23-2013 12:10 AM)LeecherEatMyShit Aka THOR Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-22-2013 11:36 PM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]Thor suck my balls :(
While i s****** your balls,

your mum + dad are watching you the USELESS SON for being such a GAY BOY LEECHER.....



Posts: 2
Joined: Sep 2012

Reputation: 0

Go F * * * Your OWN STATS.....

Shame on you .....Bring disgrace to your family...As usual NO intention to share anything at here ...

Greedy B****** BOY Downloading stuff ..... Lol

Go get a DAY JOB and stop being a DESPERATE LEECHER at Bestblackhtforum Biggrin Biggrin

Edit - Oh please, i don't like to suck SMALL and WEAK BALLS of yours Istenais....


Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
Say it to your mother you who is s****** my d**** every day for $5 :(
pretty cheap , isn't it?
(09-23-2013 01:49 AM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]Say it to your mother you who is s****** my d**** every day for $5 :(
pretty cheap , isn't it?
My mother is no longer around and funny that how did you ask her ?


Btw, your girl and your father is L****** MY D * * * and ***** for a penny $0.10 per day.

That is real PRETTY CHEAP, usn't it ?

Shame on you for being a LAZY USELESS SON of the family.....

Waiting for your mum + dad to give you money ......

What a LOSER....

Perhaps you could start PIMP / EWHORE....


Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
What happened to my thread
I see two lovers :)))

(09-23-2013 11:02 AM)LeecherEatMyShit Aka THOR Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-23-2013 01:49 AM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]Say it to your mother you who is s****** my d**** every day for $5 :(
pretty cheap , isn't it?
My mother is no longer around and funny that how did you ask her ?


Btw, your girl and your father is L****** MY D * * * and ***** for a penny $0.10 per day.

That is real PRETTY CHEAP, usn't it ?

Shame on you for being a LAZY USELESS SON of the family.....

Waiting for your mum + dad to give you money ......

What a LOSER....

Perhaps you could start PIMP / EWHORE....


Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
Lil angry bird ahahaha, keep showing that you are an idiot
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