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(09-23-2013 05:24 PM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]Lil angry bird ahahaha, keep showing that you are an idiot
[Image: image.gif]
Pot calling the kettle black 42rock 42rock

And for you FREE 42rock

R******* M****

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTD_x2fwGnDbmCZmJTt63O...bPKfktampS]


Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
R******* M****?? Ahaha F***#ng idiot stop spamming with your smilies after each sentence.
You're stupid and there's nothing you can do about it , sorry Sad

C'mon cry me a river you son of a b**** :<

p.s. remember idiot, if i dont want to share something with c*** like you, than i will not do it.
Nobody can tell me what to do , specially you ,nr.1 idiot in blackhatforum.
(09-24-2013 12:17 AM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]R******* M****?? Ahaha F***#ng idiot stop spamming with your smilies after each sentence.
You're stupid and there's nothing you can do about it , sorry Sad

C'mon cry me a river you son of a b**** :<

p.s. remember idiot, if i dont want to share something with c*** like you, than i will not do it.
Nobody can tell me what to do , specially you ,nr.1 idiot in blackhatforum.
You are WRONG my Son

I can tell you what to do as i am your FATHER. 42rock

SUCK MY A****** + L*** MY BALLS is your Daily Routine...

Go and get a F***** Day Job instead of Being a LEECHER here.

Selfish B****** BOY with NO intention of sharing anything at Bestblackhatforum

I LOVE to smile Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Lol Lol Lol Blush Blush Blush

Pls: You are NO different from a STREET BEGGAR....

Congrats you are Number 1 DESPERATE LEECHER Since 2012


(09-24-2013 01:04 AM)LeecherEatMyShit Aka THOR Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-24-2013 12:17 AM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]R******* M****?? Ahaha F***#ng idiot stop spamming with your smilies after each sentence.
You're stupid and there's nothing you can do about it , sorry Sad

C'mon cry me a river you son of a b**** :<

p.s. remember idiot, if i dont want to share something with c*** like you, than i will not do it.
Nobody can tell me what to do , specially you ,nr.1 idiot in blackhatforum.
You are WRONG my Son

I can tell you what to do as i am your FATHER. 42rock

SUCK MY A****** + L*** MY BALLS is your Daily Routine...

Go and get a F***** Day Job instead of Being a LEECHER here.

Selfish B****** BOY with NO intention of sharing anything at Bestblackhatforum

I LOVE to smile Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Lol Lol Lol Blush Blush Blush

Pls: You are NO different from a STREET BEGGAR....

Congrats you are Number 1 DESPERATE LEECHER Since 2012


U must be gay if u want that someone L*** your ass? Oh thats ok , your s****** mum will uderstand you :>
Ill repeat one last time , i dont want to share anything with you , c***.
p.s. say hello to your mommy Heart
(09-24-2013 01:21 AM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]U must be gay if u want that someone L*** your a**? Oh thats ok , your s****** mum will uderstand you :>
Ill repeat one last time , i dont want to share anything with you , c***.
p.s. say hello to your mommy Heart
And you must be a STREET BEGGAR ( DESPERADOO ) who loves begging for FREE STUFF ( Fact Since 2012 ) :>
Your s****** Dad will be very PROUD of you for having such a LAZY BUMB SON..... 42rock
I will keep on repeating, i will share my A****** with you, TWIT Lol


P.S. Say hello to your DAD ( That's me aka THOR )

Or else NO NEW SHARES for you tonight and tomorrow !! Lol


[Image: 155296520_unusual_begging_methods15_xlarge.jpeg]

Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
[Image: img.png]
Greetings from your mom
If you dont know anything about me , than shut the F*** up your fucked by over9000 niggers mouth?!
I already earned more money than you ever will earn on the internet ,so what did you said about lazy son?
I have more projects than you ever will have, if i dont share stuff which i write every day (web development)
it doesn't mean that im not doing anything :)
But your D*** F*** and everything you can do is swearing on internet? Hahaha sick c***
[Image: over9000.jpg]

And yeah, sorry for my bad english :<
-- Sorry , ill not answer to you , cuz your too stupid to understand anything.. Keep crying, peace. Cool
@Istenais Go F*** OFF!!
If you don't want to share... and you obviously DONT (from 2012) why the hell are you here!!!!! Angry Angry . SUPER LEECHER!! finaly you become ACTIVE because you DON't support to have the name of F****** leecher. indeed you are the BIG boy that JUST don't want to share his precious things... Verysad Verysad
Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
@Istenais you don't have the right to come on this forum whinning and being a little bitch.. GROW THE F**K UP !! Start sharing and quit being a LEECHER......


Secondly, you don't F**K with THOR....You ain't going to win that one!! Tongue

i am NOT interested in knowing you as you are just another LOW LIFE DESPERATE LEECHER AT

Secondly, it is SUPER FUNNY that since you mention you have earn more than money than me,

and you can't afford to pay $100 for SUPER VIP membership at here ? Biggrin


Too Poor ? Since 2012 ? 42rock

Suck my BALLS maybe i will seriously consider sponsor you a VIP status !


Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

Yeah sorry for my bad english.... :(

Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
(09-24-2013 04:09 AM)Istenais Wrote: [ -> ]If you dont know anything about me , than shut the F*** up your fucked by over9000 niggers mouth?!
I already earned more money than you ever will earn on the internet
Where is our Istenais hiding at ?


Cheers !
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