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Full Version: (GET) PES Pro - Powerful Social Exchange 1.8.7 customized to 1.9.3
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In new version 1.9.3 also removed Facebook (lol). I was checked and customized 1.8.7 to 1.9.3 (included facebook), you can dwnload and try, more information:

[Image: EQfxW.jpg]

- Included Pinterest Modules

- Included Soundcloud

- Fixed facebook like, share, follow...

- Fixed Pinterest

- Fixed Twitter follow

- Can add social account

And more....


- Will develop for Instagram and more

Demo site:
Magic Button :
Code: (everyone also can join and get free 1 USD to support me ;)

Link download :

Code:  (premium link) (backup link)

Updated new link with some fix bugs: => download free from tegaup, free files sharing :

Nex week i will share all fix bugs and update modules, thanks for all comments
If you met some problems or want to change base on my design, feel free to contact me here

Thansk all, remember + Rep me ;)
how to fix twitter problem?!
Thx. 1 rep added
Got it! Installing now. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this one my friend!!
first link looks like link goes to two .jpgs and mediafire is askink for unlock code????????????????
Try the other link. You will also find that the suggested email does not work. So, to fix that login to your PHPadmin and find the users section. Edit the email to your current email. Then go back to your site and select "forgot password". When you get the reset email, take the link and correct the path to point to your website (edit the URL). Copy and past that link into your browser and you will be taken to your websites reset password option. Enter the password and then use the new password and email you set up in the PHPadmin to login into your account. Notice there are two login pages. One is on the front page of the site and the second is (add in subdomain into that URL if you installed the script onto a sub domain)
Thanks for sharing man!
This soft seem like addmefast right ?
So ,i tried to put the password in MF ,but it don't work
show me again plz

Update for mediafire password:


i think the twitter problem and facebook share problem are not gone.... if you fixed it what files do we need to update if we alredy have the script installed but are facing twitter and facebook problem
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