Can u share module Instagram, module VK, module MySpace and can u insert in this script a system of private messages, a realtime counter of member online/registered and an image of profile for the members?
(07-10-2013 05:59 PM)artnology Wrote: [ -> ]In new version 1.9.3 also removed Facebook (lol). I was checked and customized 1.8.7 to 1.9.3 (included facebook), you can dwnload and try, more information:
- Included Pinterest Modules
- Included Soundcloud
- Fixed facebook like, share, follow...
- Fixed Pinterest
- Fixed Twitter follow
- Can add social account
And more....
- Will develop for Instagram and more
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(07-13-2013 10:35 AM)anhdungit Wrote: [ -> ]Customized my ass, f .u .c .k you *****
- "MySpace Connections" module was added
- Youtube Subscribers" module was improved
- "Reverbnation Fans" module was added
- "Soundcloud Followers" module was added
- "Youtube Favorites" module was added
- "Daily clicks limit" system was added
- "VIP System" was improved
- "Auto-clean" system was added,
- Views count was added for blog
- "Banner Ads" system was improved
- "Twitter Followers" module was improved
So rude for a leecher who never contributed anything here. At least he tries!