It won't login Username: admin and admin Password: admin123
how to change in 'system/database.php' when can't find the original: /inc/addondb.php
can u give a sample?
(08-31-2013 05:44 AM)matuss2 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-29-2013 01:22 AM)tuankhanhsaigon Wrote: [ -> ]cannot login admin- cantrol with username admin pass: admin123
here my website
FIX please
Błąd połączenia z bazą danych. Plik system/database.php Popraw błędy.
Zapraszam na
If anyone wants to do a group buy for the instagram and vk modules. Email me Ill match anyone. so you pay ten ill pay ten. seriously even just a dollar will be better than begging on the internet lets do this!
went ahead and bought the instagram and vk anyway. oh well try them if you like them
(09-10-2013 02:51 AM)bagoush Wrote: [ -> ]
went ahead and bought the instagram and vk anyway. oh well try them if you like them
Could you explain how to fix the error facebook?
how you bought the module instagram?
please help me. already tried everything and facebook does not work = \
user: admin
pass: admin