Hey guys, my inbox is nearly full, so who ever wants it just post in the thread and i will pm you the link,
Hi guys ... no one found that the title is little bit racist -_- "Train your Filipino VA"
(06-03-2014 04:14 AM)greyninja Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys, my inbox is nearly full, so who ever wants it just post in the thread and i will pm you the link,

raises hand and asks for link. rep given.
(06-03-2014 04:22 AM)vickerz Wrote: [ -> ]Hi guys ... no one found that the title is little bit racist -_- "Train your Filipino VA"
Your right ... and this seem to be a tendency in other courses aswell .. i saw in Udemy : Filipino are human too ...
Could you please pm me the link?
Thanks in advance,

Can you please send me the link.
Thank you!!!

I would love to have this. Thanks so very much.
Hello - Would you please pm me the link too? Very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
raises hand and asks for link. rep given.
would also like the link thanks