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(05-10-2013 05:23 AM)oz0102 Wrote: [ -> ]i just dont get this ! what does Virtual staff academy have to do with a weight loss pack or am i missing something ?
@ oz0102,
Exactly what I was thinking, what's that all about..?Undecided PM if you would like to be part of my [GB] on this one Cool
Here's the salespage:

PHP Code: 
There was a mix up with the initial sales page. Anyone have this PLEASE!

I hear this is a big course (~4GB), if someone can re-up I'll get some mirrors going !
The mediafire link that the original poster used did not work to begin with as far as I can tell. So nobody got this downloaded, and I never found it anywhere by searching. I don't expect to see this anytime Sad
I will also help with mirrors when this reappears - it may take me awhile but my comp may as well be uploading whenever I don't need the bandwidth. Lol
Hi, is there really nobody on this forum who can upload this? Please guys this will be great putting this to your arsenal! Thanks
If nobody can share then there is a GB that I think is still open.
bumping for a reup or maybe GB???
(05-11-2013 12:30 AM)spartinator Wrote: [ -> ]If nobody can share then there is a GB that I think is still open.
Hi spartinator,

In reply to your recent post, I am currently running [GB] - VIRTUAL STAFF FINDER ACADEMY.......

It obviously goes with out saying that this would need to stay with you the buyer as a [GB] for the of the [GB] integrity and the sake of other fellow current participants offer and respect of your fellow purchasers.....

So if you can honour this BBHF [GB] conditions, along with my recent [GB] contributors and your still interested then please PM me and I will of course reply back accordingly....


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