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Great share! This may come in handy. DL it anyways, one day I may have time to use it lol
Links updated in first post
Update 4/4/2013
Added missing files upgrade.php and vipipn.php
Banner is no longer served from
Removed callbacks from version.php and disabled version check in admin panel.

[Image: 39fd5963af3340a3bc9e253.png]

Notice in googleconfig.php (names show as "array" but functions fine)
Notice In soundcloudconfig.php - Credit to Danestkim for these two fixes.

Removed potentially malicious code from register.php and ipn.php - Credit to Abdizriel for finding this.
All Contributors Thanked and repped. Thanks guys.
thnx guys.

Since many of us don't have all accounts yet, let do a comparison of what works and whats are missing.

Few thing I notice, our version have Digg but the ofical site doesn't. Could it be taken out because it stop working?


On author site and the 1st post here, listed few that I do not see on my install

Facebook Website Shares
Youtube Video Likes
Twitter Favorites
Twitter Tweets
Delicious Followers
Delicious Website Saves
Reverbnation Fans
Soundcloud Track Player

Can someone verify?

thnx again
(04-05-2013 02:54 AM)madguy Wrote: [ -> ]thnx guys.

Since many of us don't have all accounts yet, let do a comparison of what works and whats are missing.

Few thing I notice, our version have Digg but the ofical site doesn't. Could it be taken out because it stop working?


On author site and the 1st post here, listed few that I do not see on my install

Facebook Website Shares
Youtube Video Likes
Twitter Favorites
Twitter Tweets
Delicious Followers
Delicious Website Saves
Reverbnation Fans
Soundcloud Track Player

Can someone verify?

thnx again
Missing the same plugins here, if anyone has anymore of these plugins please share Smile

Specifically ANY of These:
Virool Videos Addon
Type for Coins Addon
Domain Ban Addon
Secure the Database Addon
SQL Injection Fix Addon
Total Clicks Tracker Addon
24/hr Unique Traffic Addon
Monthly Referral Contest Addon
Bloggers Post Likes Addon
Bloggers Blog Follower Addon
Social Swager Likes Addon
Ultimate Manual Surf Addon
Stumbleupon Followers Addon
Youtube Video Comments Addon
Youtube Video Likes Addon
Youtube Subscribers Addon
Soundcloud Listens Addon
Soundcloud Followers Addon
Pinterest Followers Addon
Facebook Fanpage Likes Addon
Facebook Post Shares Addon
Facebook Post Comments Addon
Facebook Photo Shares Addon
Facebook Post Likes Addon
Facebook Photo Comments Addon
Facebook Event Joins Addon
Facebook Followers Addon
Facebook Website Shares
Youtube Video Likes
Twitter Favorites
Twitter Tweets
Delicious Followers
Delicious Website Saves
Reverbnation Fans
Soundcloud Track Player
^-May Have double posted a couple addons

If You have them Please Share Thank You!
Looking for these plugins
Highly appreciate if someone can share them

Instagram photo likes addon
Instagram followers addon

Thanks :)
Can some provide a Step by Step Install Guide for this ??

I have trouble with the Installation.

I uploaded all the files to my ftp and impotr the provided .sql but nothing happend :(
(04-25-2013 09:41 PM)BlackHatter4Life Wrote: [ -> ]Can some provide a Step by Step Install Guide for this ??

I have trouble with the Installation.

I uploaded all the files to my ftp and impotr the provided .sql but nothing happend :(
You have to edit the config.php first before anything will happen also I believe you need to do the same for 2 other items, read the instructions included. I have the script up and fully running now just editing cosmetics and looking for scripts.
(04-05-2013 02:54 AM)madguy Wrote: [ -> ]thnx guys.

Since many of us don't have all accounts yet, let do a comparison of what works and whats are missing.

Few thing I notice, our version have Digg but the ofical site doesn't. Could it be taken out because it stop working?


On author site and the 1st post here, listed few that I do not see on my install

Facebook Website Shares
Youtube Video Likes
Twitter Favorites
Twitter Tweets
Delicious Followers
Delicious Website Saves
Reverbnation Fans
Soundcloud Track Player

Can someone verify?

thnx again
This is version 2.23 the stuff listed is for newer versions.. its up to around 2.7 now..

(04-05-2013 02:54 AM)madguy Wrote: [ -> ]thnx guys.

Since many of us don't have all accounts yet, let do a comparison of what works and whats are missing.

Few thing I notice, our version have Digg but the ofical site doesn't. Could it be taken out because it stop working?


On author site and the 1st post here, listed few that I do not see on my install

Facebook Website Shares
Youtube Video Likes
Twitter Favorites
Twitter Tweets
Delicious Followers
Delicious Website Saves
Reverbnation Fans
Soundcloud Track Player

Can someone verify?

thnx again
This is version 2.23 the stuff listed is for newer versions.. its up to around 2.7 now..
thanks for this share
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