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Full Version: [GET] Social Swapper 2.23 [Update 4/4/2013] [Nulled and Decoded with PSD's]
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(03-29-2013 11:44 AM)bugboy Wrote: [ -> ]For me works fine, and I have no errors in sfreceive.php as bulqr4eto. As I can see the file upgrade.php is missed. For the rest works fine
The error was in the first version of this I uploaded. Thanks for leaving feedback.
Is this latest avaible update?

There is problem, I can't put my g+ ID
I got it off another site. here are some of my findings

1) there are couple call back still a) the update check link goes to some german site and the banner was server from socialexchange.

2) there quite a few links to {{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}

3) am also missing upgrade.php

4) google plus is not working. I think i found the problem but can't fix because my php skills is not that good:
in /googleconfig.php line 27

preg_match('/a-f-e dK">(.*?)</',$plus,$match);

could it be because we need to enter numbers and the pregmatch in the code looking for letters?

Someone with php skills please check.
I installed the script,but i cant add Soundcloud and Google Circles accounts there.Can someone explain?
(03-29-2013 05:50 PM)Abdizriel Wrote: [ -> ]Is this latest avaible update?

There is problem, I can't put my g+ ID
Soundcloud username too..
if i click any earn coins example Fb or Pinterest i get this message

The requested URL /xchange.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

How to fix this?!
checking now its a problem with the actual script ive checked a few of this version and same problem with a some config files for these parts of the script. got the google+ half working so far..
These are the 2 problem files. If someone could check this mess out? this is out of my league..

unknown problem

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/removed/social_swapper/googleconfig.php on line 28
Notice: Undefined variable: h in /home/removed/social_swapper/googleconfig.php on line 70

here is upgrade.php attatched!!
Ok I begin to understand now. Since this copy of script were release both google and soundcloud has change their layout, thus in google case it was looking for "user name" by searching for :

line 27 preg_match('/a-f-e dK">(.*?)</',$plus,$match);

well guess what "a-f-e dK">" no longer exist in google html and thus get error.

we need to extract the "user name" from google id to enter it into the DB
with that said, looking at source code I did find 1 instant of

<a href="./1012e9230637577163710" class="Sg Ob Tc" oid="1012e9230637577163710">Madguy</a>
can someone tell me how to write PHP properly equivalent to


where {$posts['name']} = the numeric ID user submited, and (.*?) = Madguy = user name

my php is not that good
to shiftone

soundcloud error is on line 31, 33, and 35
in soundcloudconfig.php it can't find the large image and what was the "og:url" to be extract for DB insertion.

to other who is having other problems, such as installing on localhost.

you need
PHP 5.x
and allow_url_fopen must be enabled
In soundcloudconfig.php i changed the line if ($exploder[4] != "") to if ($exploder[3] != "") and worked.
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