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Full Version: [GET][UPDATE] Wicked Article Creator v2.85 - Article Builder, Spinner, Cleaner!
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When the WAC starts I geting : "Input string was not in a correct format" message window
Is there anybody has a same problem or solution?
(I think this one of the reason why program running unstable, freezing often, not doing what it is supposed to do...)

v2.85 is not working now,v2.86 come out,please crack it,thank you.
Bump ---- waiting v 2.86 crack :D
Thanks Blackninjx for this awesome crack^____^
Anyone v2.86 crack?
I need it also :=)
I have a solution so that you can still used it. Just install the v 2.85 and in the wicked article creator folder delete update.exe file. Login with the username and password provided in the readme :)
Tried giving you 2 reps, great share thanks.It keeps asking for an update and closes when update is denied.
it already 2.87...the creator of this software sure fast to response.

btw, using the dons916 advice i still manage to use the wac 2.85. search for wacupdate.exe in the folder and delete it.
the software will ask for update just click ok and it will not continue the update. you got the 2.85 wac.
thanks dons915, it works!
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