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AppSumo - Kopywriting Kourse!!!
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Soooo you've read articles online about improving conversion rates by changing headlines and copy.

It's true... it does work. I'll show you:

AppSumo is a web-based company that constantly improves its users lives through strategic discounts on needed products for startups and business users.

This fat-ass Sumo sends you one MASSIVE money-saving deal on tech stuff for startups (like apps and software)... everyday.
Which one was easier to understand (and possibly more offensive)?

You're right, the second one. That's 'cause it doesn't contain all the bloated "buzzwords" most businesses use. I mean, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WRITE LIKE THAT?

Ok ok, the above example was a cheap-shot example. How about some proof that words on the page make MORE MONEY? How 'bout this for proof:

There was an article in the New York Times called "Groupon's Fate Hinges on Words".

The article goes on to say how Groupon is OBSESSIVE over what they write on their deal pages... because after millions of split tests, they've shown that the right words can DRAMATICALLY INCREASE THEIR CONVERSION RATES (aka mo' monaaayy when they send out a deal).

Ok, so one of the fastest growing companies ever places MASSSSSIVE emphasis on the words on the page.

This tells us words MIGHT be important... uber important.

Now there is a well-documented science behind writing like this. Many people attempt to write in this fashion, but don't know how to sell correctly.

Biggg mistake young Sumo-ling.

Fortunately there are formulas, tricks and tactics to use that will change even the most BS-marketing-sounding copy into stuff people listen to, understand, and are persuaded to buy.

The Chief "Non-Boring Writing Because Boring Writing Sucks" Sumo

P.S. Even AppSumo has seen DRAMATIC increases in conversion rates based on copy... and most people think it's cause "we write funny stuff". WRONG. We follow a science behind each email and piece of copy that's proven to SELL. This Kourse will show you how.

P.P.S. Check out what some people say about this kopywriting style:

"Dude!! You're like the Charlie Sheen of copyrighting... well Charlie Sheen before he got fired like BBQ."
-Melvin T (AppSumo customer)

"...this is consistently the best d*** copy I have ever read... entertaining, engaging, persuasive."
--Vernon T. (AppSumo customer)

Sales Page:


This share consist of 2 parts (ApSu-KoKo1.rar and ApSu-KoKo2.rar).

* Part1 is in 4 parts itself (ApSu-KoKo1.rar.001 to ApSu-KoKo1.rar.004). You need to download all 4 parts.
* Part2 is just 1 part by itself.


Magic Button :

Magic Button :

Magic Button :
>>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<<

When you have downloaded the files 001 to 004, extract using 7-Zip:


Or join the 4 files first with HJ-Split:
then extract with your favorite utility.
Have been looking for this for a while. Thanks uberzone
I've been looking for this FOREVER! Thanks a million uberzone.
I'll post my review after I finish the course.
Links are down. Could someone awesome please re-up this? Thanks bro
i feel like an idiot because part 2 extracted no probelm but i cant get the stuff out of the for files, im using mac so i downloaded split and concat but it wont let me chose more than one file, and one file does not give me the option to determine the next, can someone re upload simple rar's? and yes i gave thanks i needed this
tried to download it several times. the download is always getting broken :( hope somone else grabs this and uploads somewhere else. thanks in advance
yes!!! same thing here, itll extract until it reaches 99 percent of the first file and then prompt broken. anybody else have luck?
after some trouble...i got the downloads to work. since im on a mac had to do a little bit of searching. i basically used the split and concat tool found at: the link looks spammy but it worked for's an alternative to hjsplit.

basically after i did a concat using that software with the first 4 files it created another rar file and then i used unrar to the files.

haven't really gone through everything, but it looks like a pretty complete extract.
i ll try this thanks for share
Thanks for this. I'll be giving my review when I'm done with the course.
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