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(09-14-2016 02:03 PM)tintin Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-14-2016 11:32 AM)marr5 Wrote: [ -> ]please reup...thanks

The review reads this course is CRAP....count me out!

Do you think that NonComformer would rcommend CRAP?
Check this post:

Same guy is creator of Kopywriting Kourse. Medhora books are excellent and I think that his course is excellent.

So, RE UP please Thanks
some people have different views on things...
what might be crap to you can help someone else
(09-16-2016 08:05 AM)marr5 Wrote: [ -> ]some people have different views on things...
what might be crap to you can help someone else

I agree, and RE-upppp please :)
comonnn :)
Re up please! :-)
Re up please! :-)
Re upppppppp!!!!!
please reup
(09-27-2016 09:00 PM)athlonfan Wrote: [ -> ]Re up please! :-)

Re up please!!!!
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