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Can someone reup with files that are not corrupt?
From what I can tell all the links are good. I'll make mirrors when I get them all downloaded. This depositfiles only is some bullshit.
(04-25-2013 04:54 AM)itzsaga Wrote: [ -> ]From what I can tell all the links are good. I'll make mirrors when I get them all downloaded. This depositfiles only is some bullshit.
Thanks brotha. Appreciate the future mirrors, I really want to get this product. +5 for the effort!
why does mine ask for a password? tried the usual bestblackhatforum with .com then with www. and .com but still nothing

edit: never mind found it. should read things more carefully.
Thanks a lot for sharing this course!
Sorry for asking but. . .
What's the pw?
Pls. post clearly?

Worst Copywriting course EVER. You read that right.

If I gave any a 10 year old kid any of the old-school books on direct reponse marketing, and then asked the kid what he learned...

...I would get a better course from that feedback than from this clown in this Appsumo Copywriting course.

He's obnoxious, NOT funny, can't string coherent sentences together, and only talks about the basics that even copy beginners already know.

Total waste of time. I feel bad for the people who bought this. I would've gotten a refund immediately. Completely NOT worthy.

If you are interested in copywriting, there are tons of other better products in this forum. Read or watch ANY of them.

Nothing against the OP. I thank you for the share and gave you rep. Just saying this product sucks.
(04-28-2013 04:40 AM)OZ_1800 Wrote: [ -> ]REVIEW:

Worst Copywriting course EVER. You read that right.

If I gave any a 10 year old kid any of the old-school books on direct reponse marketing, and then asked the kid what he learned...

...I would get a better course from that feedback than from this clown in this Appsumo Copywriting course.

He's obnoxious, NOT funny, can't string coherent sentences together, and only talks about the basics that even copy beginners already know.

Total waste of time. I feel bad for the people who bought this. I would've gotten a refund immediately. Completely NOT worthy.

If you are interested in copywriting, there are tons of other better products in this forum. Read or watch ANY of them.

Nothing against the OP. I thank you for the share and gave you rep. Just saying this product sucks.
I appreciate your review bro
(04-26-2013 05:06 PM)thankugod Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for asking but. . .
What's the pw?
Pls. post clearly?
As I stated same PW as OP (Original Post). It's clearly stated under the section that says PASSWORD: open your d*** eyes.
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