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About the course
A Heaven wso for a beginner IMer
But thanx for sharing, i got some new ideas.
Very good then aogoi!

Here is the things he promised before he went away.
Hope it helps!
The skype session

Mediafire link:


A +rep is always appreciated Wink
Nice Share
(09-11-2012 04:03 AM)bassebuu Wrote: [ -> ]Here is all the lessons that have been released!

Everything ripped from the forum site. all lessons questions and answers.

Hope we can keep the discussion going and help everyone with extra information about creating a forum. Maybe the mods and forum owner here could help a little bit and share some experiences?

Mediafire link 1:

Mediafire link 2:

1: - 0/29
2: - 1/30 ParetoLogic - Malware site
My personal confusion I think ... are both files the same? When I go to the MF on the 2nd link, I see it named with '2' on end of file name but it downloads without the '2' as a dupe of the first download !!??


UPDATED ... TY for the fix !! Issue is resolved ...We
Newest released part:

Magic Button :
[Image: WNqjY.jpg]
So here is the full updated download of all the files that are out at the moment for this course. Included the 2 latest files from the skype sessions.


A +rep is always nice Wink
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