(09-01-2012 02:15 AM)sinip Wrote: [ -> ]$10 or $11 doesn't make a difference but someone should contact the guy in the Warrior Forum and ask if the recording of those coaching lessons can be obtained and if the material can be purchased despite the "Pay" button still being open?
but someone should "" === sounds like a poem called sinip

I'm in for $10 or $11. Are we doing this?
I can check it, if noone else will, no problems. Just say so.
mirror? anybody ? preety please ;-)
(09-01-2012 07:03 AM)sinip Wrote: [ -> ]I can check it, if noone else will, no problems. Just say so.
Please ... just dont make us beg for what you want to do anyway ;)
I read your message and everyone message, well my internet connection is not very good, for big file i always have problem to download and i seldom attend any webinar, due to connection problem, again this is about trust.
i am suggesting you or anyone who have good internet connection to take the lead and distribute the content if there is coaching in future, avoid using lot different ip to login to trigger the locked account(some sites will), but if really no one take the lead, than i will, (1st info, i have not yet set up mediafire account and many sharing account, i just join
and still learning, although i am in IM since 2008, but i learn very slow, i know a lot of thing but just never test it myself)
let rephrase
6 need confirm
EnvisionForce--need confirm $11?
happyMe--need confirm $11?
ivkk--need confirm $11?
rebellious--need confirm $11?
reno123--need confirm $11?
rhonal89--need confirm $11?
7 confirm
AdamBlackHat == $11 IF NEEDED
fsnsh6========$11 IF NEEDED
gmk3 ======= $11 IF NEEDED
highlander==== $11 IF NEEDED
rebellious ==== $11 IF NEEDED
sinip==== $11 IF NEEDED
We Go ======= $11 IF NEEDED
sahos i suggest you to take the lead as Paypal have 45days to issue dispute, anyone can file anyone to get back the refund if GB not happen.
i do not worry about cannot get the product, sooner or later will get,but if later, than we may miss the schedule boat,
creator will relaunch to get the old product to bring in more money, they will not waste their product just lying there.
just not sure the price will up or down only.
I see 13 people on this list willing to do the group buy , so what if we just take $97 and divide it between us (97/13= $7.50 per person), then we dont need to pay $11 each. What do you guys think ? Fair enough?