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Please Re-Upload .....
I'm still down for the buy. At $6.06 each (16person=97/16=6.06), that's awesome.
Can we start this ?
(09-04-2012 01:38 PM)reno123 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm still down for the buy. At $6.06 each (16person=97/16=6.06), that's awesome.
Or 97 persons $1.00 each, or better 194 persons $0.50 each Biggrin
AntonVS thank for your suggestion,
97 will take long time, not worth, i prefer now to buy with less than $7 for 16 person,i do not want to wait any longer and i think most of us do not want to wait too long to GB.
Mod, pls pm me your paypal account and price and get this done.
(09-04-2012 10:13 PM)fsnsh6 Wrote: [ -> ]AntonVS thank for your suggestion,
97 will take long time, not worth, i prefer now to buy with less than $7 for 16 person,i do not want to wait any longer and i think most of us do not want to wait too long to GB.
Mod, pls pm me your paypal account and price and get this done.
Or get the hang of the word 'Sarcasm' may be?
Here is all the lessons that have been released!

Everything ripped from the forum site. all lessons questions and answers.

Hope we can keep the discussion going and help everyone with extra information about creating a forum. Maybe the mods and forum owner here could help a little bit and share some experiences?

Mediafire link 1:

Mediafire link 2:

1: - 0/29
2: - 1/30 ParetoLogic - Malware site
Still waiting for him to release more material that he promised. He promised that for almost a week ago, will give it when it arrives
Thanks bassebuu, it's highly appreciated. I'll store them for a possible reup if needed!
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