Let me share a secret! How would you guys like it we create! 10000+ free education accounts? Reply and if you all like the idea working together like in sesamestreet! haha I will provide the solution! ;-)
Im in CMC! but tell me how I can make vids without 30 sec limit?
I'm in on this... I would like to have a account with animoto instead of keep paying 40 bucks
@Copymycash, Would love to know how can we get one for everyone here.
NICE Holiday gift. Please share the secret!
(12-18-2012 07:41 PM)CopyMyCash Wrote: [ -> ]Let me share a secret! How would you guys like it we create! 10000+ free education accounts? Reply and if you all like the idea working together like in sesamestreet! haha I will provide the solution! ;-)
I would sure love an account, please share the secret :)
I am interested. Let's do it!
Cookie Monster :D Yum yum yum. I'd like a cookie :)
I love to give Animoto a try for no cost. Count me in.