Check Mic... one... two...
Is this thread still living....would love get this service a try!
Is this method still valid?
Your student promotion code: a4eyHrETzqC
(05-04-2019 05:42 PM)mack07018 Wrote: [ -> ]Your student promotion code: a4eyHrETzqC
Thank you :)
wow. this thread is still going. this had to have set some sort of record for the longest active thread(not to mention method that is still working) in bbhf history. i'm suffering from a little bit of nostalgia right now haha i created my own account when i first joined the forum. it was the first useful thing i tried and it worked. i created many video and helped other to create their own videos for their site using this trick.
now you're just better off getting camtasia(don't know if it's exclusive to only vip) from bbhf, downloading the resources you need and creating your own videos from the software without having to be online, without using a third party, and without waiting as long for the rendering
:) thanks, it works for me, I have an animoto account now, excellent!
Peace and success!
(05-04-2019 05:42 PM)mack07018 Wrote: [ -> ]Your student promotion code: a4eyHrETzqC
This worked for me and along with the camtasia mentioned above works a treat thanks and reps provided for both :)
it works for me, I have an animoto account now

Awesome share Bro! Still working and going strong, thank you!
Wow this still works, awesome! You can use my code: a4e9c1IBwVH
reps appreciated always.