10-12-2022, 11:05 AM
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10-12-2022, 06:58 PM
MAX rep added, please share this file with me.
10-13-2022, 12:06 AM
lala already answered this but i just wanted to add a point. most of the leechers come from free memberships. this is when links will be taken down
the new site solves this problem because everone who joins this site EVEN IF they got free vip status here has to pay
what is a leecher? someone who always takes and never gives. in this sense, the new site has a double whammy against leechers because not only those who pay cannot be considered a leecher anymore since they actually paid something and contributed, but most people are paying TWICE for vip access. double security against leechers and links becoming dead and taken down.
what you are mentioning is things out of anyones control. there is no way in hell we can prevent someone from paying twice, and then leech the shares and use up peoples shared resources where links become eventually dead. we can only minimize that by what this forum already does. it's double security which means it will protect the shares even more...and even MORE than our current vip system here.
so even if links DO go down on the new site, because it's going to be a more rare case, the creator or someone else is more likely to re-up and/or create a mirror because it will be less often that they have to do that compared to here.
so what you are saying is a moot point. there is no perfect system and never will be. in this case, you pointed out the vulnerablity of someone who can pay twice and still leech the shares and cause links going down.
but if it wasn't for these people the site would be less successful because the admin wouldn't be able to afford to keep the site running. they contributed money and that money will allow anyone to leech as it should be because information should be freely shared without expectations. when we get expectations involved and more rules, that only means there are more rules that can fail and when that happens the system fails. that's what we have here now on bbhf where there were so many rules that the whole system is now failing the majority of the users and the rules were set in place because it was running more like a business that a place people can come where information is freely shared.
the new site fixes a lot of these issues. i realized it right away so i joined right away even though i knew activity and momentum for the new site will be very slow at first. i paid manily just to support the admin. not because i need this new site. if i didn't want to support the admin and just joined selfishly, i never woulda joined if group buys were in place on the new site the way group buys are being run here. they are NOT true group buys and you paying more for group buys here because this place is being run like a business. not a SHARING IS CARING system.
what you are doing is over thinking things. your trying to predict what is going to happen in the future and insinuate things are going to turn out like things did here on bbhf. well, we are not psychics so lets not go there but with the new site, there are much less rules, it supports the sharing is caring agenda, and information is able to be shared more freely. the less rules, the less moderation is needed as well and we see a HUGE problem with all these rules in place on bbhf yet only two moderators that can't keep up with all the posts and threads and rules themselves. the new site solves that problem too.
so there are a lot of problems the new site fixes to where the likelyhood of what your saying will happen becomes very less likely compared to a forum like bbhf.
so i don't see what you said as a downside. it going to be harder to get links banned now. the only downside right now to the new site as it stands right now is the slow growth phase of a new site and new members. we have to wait and see what happens because it takes a while for the new site and new members to find it's identity and fight to keep that identity. right now it has no identity. it's too new. but one thing is for sure. everyone who has access to that site is NOT a true leecher as they have contributed one way or another....through money and/or shares so we can't really call anyone a leecher anymore on the new site if we are to be honest with ourselves.
what i would like to see eventually are two things. a separate server for mirrors to the shares that will be run by the admin, AND group buys that are run buy either the admin or moderators(trusted people) or people we elect to run group buys that AREN'T charged a fee. can run a group buy for the members who are interested and share it with them....and a few months later, SHARE that group buy with all other mvp members. everyone wins. although i would like to see those two things happen, doesn't mean it will but it sure would make the new site GREAT and one of the best places to be if your a black hater. when we can use bbhf to funnel the traffic over to the mvp site, eventually there will be enough resources(inluding money) to initiate these things. whether the admin does or not though is a different story. i hope he can see that vision though. it would be a GREAT place
the new site solves this problem because everone who joins this site EVEN IF they got free vip status here has to pay
what is a leecher? someone who always takes and never gives. in this sense, the new site has a double whammy against leechers because not only those who pay cannot be considered a leecher anymore since they actually paid something and contributed, but most people are paying TWICE for vip access. double security against leechers and links becoming dead and taken down.
what you are mentioning is things out of anyones control. there is no way in hell we can prevent someone from paying twice, and then leech the shares and use up peoples shared resources where links become eventually dead. we can only minimize that by what this forum already does. it's double security which means it will protect the shares even more...and even MORE than our current vip system here.
so even if links DO go down on the new site, because it's going to be a more rare case, the creator or someone else is more likely to re-up and/or create a mirror because it will be less often that they have to do that compared to here.
so what you are saying is a moot point. there is no perfect system and never will be. in this case, you pointed out the vulnerablity of someone who can pay twice and still leech the shares and cause links going down.
but if it wasn't for these people the site would be less successful because the admin wouldn't be able to afford to keep the site running. they contributed money and that money will allow anyone to leech as it should be because information should be freely shared without expectations. when we get expectations involved and more rules, that only means there are more rules that can fail and when that happens the system fails. that's what we have here now on bbhf where there were so many rules that the whole system is now failing the majority of the users and the rules were set in place because it was running more like a business that a place people can come where information is freely shared.
the new site fixes a lot of these issues. i realized it right away so i joined right away even though i knew activity and momentum for the new site will be very slow at first. i paid manily just to support the admin. not because i need this new site. if i didn't want to support the admin and just joined selfishly, i never woulda joined if group buys were in place on the new site the way group buys are being run here. they are NOT true group buys and you paying more for group buys here because this place is being run like a business. not a SHARING IS CARING system.
what you are doing is over thinking things. your trying to predict what is going to happen in the future and insinuate things are going to turn out like things did here on bbhf. well, we are not psychics so lets not go there but with the new site, there are much less rules, it supports the sharing is caring agenda, and information is able to be shared more freely. the less rules, the less moderation is needed as well and we see a HUGE problem with all these rules in place on bbhf yet only two moderators that can't keep up with all the posts and threads and rules themselves. the new site solves that problem too.
so there are a lot of problems the new site fixes to where the likelyhood of what your saying will happen becomes very less likely compared to a forum like bbhf.
so i don't see what you said as a downside. it going to be harder to get links banned now. the only downside right now to the new site as it stands right now is the slow growth phase of a new site and new members. we have to wait and see what happens because it takes a while for the new site and new members to find it's identity and fight to keep that identity. right now it has no identity. it's too new. but one thing is for sure. everyone who has access to that site is NOT a true leecher as they have contributed one way or another....through money and/or shares so we can't really call anyone a leecher anymore on the new site if we are to be honest with ourselves.
what i would like to see eventually are two things. a separate server for mirrors to the shares that will be run by the admin, AND group buys that are run buy either the admin or moderators(trusted people) or people we elect to run group buys that AREN'T charged a fee. can run a group buy for the members who are interested and share it with them....and a few months later, SHARE that group buy with all other mvp members. everyone wins. although i would like to see those two things happen, doesn't mean it will but it sure would make the new site GREAT and one of the best places to be if your a black hater. when we can use bbhf to funnel the traffic over to the mvp site, eventually there will be enough resources(inluding money) to initiate these things. whether the admin does or not though is a different story. i hope he can see that vision though. it would be a GREAT place
(10-11-2022 06:07 PM)nightquest Wrote: [ -> ]Don't get me wrong but people that have joined BBHF recently should be monitor in case they get access because if all have access it will be the same as vip here links will start going down and people will loose they account and stop sharing and then we will need another MVP site and again same story.So just saying maybe some prob period or some requiraments i don't know also don't alow proven scammers to join and censor name and use different name.
10-13-2022, 04:06 AM
Lala, please send payment link.
10-14-2022, 11:13 AM
Link please.
10-14-2022, 04:12 PM
(10-13-2022 12:06 AM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]lala already answered this but i just wanted to add a point. most of the leechers come from free memberships. this is when links will be taken down
the new site solves this problem because everone who joins this site EVEN IF they got free vip status here has to pay
I agree with all you said i just point some concerns early on we will see later when site get more members and shares keep coming.
(10-13-2022 12:06 AM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]what i would like to see eventually are two things. a separate server for mirrors to the shares that will be run by the admin, AND group buys that are run buy either the admin or moderators(trusted people) or people we elect to run group buys that AREN'T charged a fee. can run a group buy for the members who are interested and share it with them....and a few months later, SHARE that group buy with all other mvp members. everyone wins. although i would like to see those two things happen, doesn't mean it will but it sure would make the new site GREAT and one of the best places to be if your a black hater. when we can use bbhf to funnel the traffic over to the mvp site, eventually there will be enough resources(inluding money) to initiate these things. whether the admin does or not though is a different story. i hope he can see that vision though. it would be a GREAT place
Separate server some torrent for example will be good thing to solves all those concerns of course if budget allow this venture. But i don't agree on GB even run buy Lala or admin there is BBHF for those stuff even if is business it's ok still you are paying way less than original price and you get support (depends who run it).
Word is a word and Lala gave it for MVP to be free of GB's so you get full sense of "sharing is a caring".
10-14-2022, 07:03 PM
MVP is for unstoppable sharing with or without watermark.
There will be no GB on that site. So please do not worry cause GB will never be implemented on that site. If anyone wanted to conduct GB then you can only do it on BBHF since there is no GB section on MVP. Thanks.
There will be no GB on that site. So please do not worry cause GB will never be implemented on that site. If anyone wanted to conduct GB then you can only do it on BBHF since there is no GB section on MVP. Thanks.
10-15-2022, 02:07 AM
I would like a Payment link, but I don't know how much it is.
10-15-2022, 09:53 AM
(10-14-2022 07:03 PM)lala Wrote: [ -> ]MVP is for unstoppable sharing with or without watermark.Does it mean if someone joins gb on bbhf then instantly shares on mvp it is ok? Sounds not fair for gb members.
There will be no GB on that site. So please do not worry cause GB will never be implemented on that site. If anyone wanted to conduct GB then you can only do it on BBHF since there is no GB section on MVP. Thanks.
10-15-2022, 09:56 AM
you better tell that to the dude trying to start a group buy already on the mvp site. i don't think he got the memo haha
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