"There is money everywhere
If you have known me for some time, that is a statement you must have heard from me various times.
And it is 100% true.
I have a pad where I write down the various money making ideas that I get.
And you won't even be able to guess how many come to me in a week.
I write them down because I really can't work on all the ideas.
But once in a while, I get one that is too hard to pass on and I start work on it immediately.
I got one like that from my dream the other day.
I jumped up and wrote it down for about 30 minutes.
Then the next morning, I called my programmer to start work on it.
Hopefully, we should launch it this year.
But do you know why this is the case for me?
It is because of two things:
ONE: I developed a prosperity mindset that attracts money-making ideas and opportunities.
How much do you want to make this year?
How much fat do you want to lose?
Write it down.
Then divide it by 12 months.
then divide that anumber by 31 days.
Now you know exactly waht you need to aim for EVERY DAY.
So each day you wake up you attack and reach for that number.
Sometimes you might get more, sometimes you might get less.
But at the end of the year, you'll see you've hit the overall number.
Send me a pm now to grab all my bso at a special new year price. Few slots left.
The Bible passed the same message in Proverbs 24:33-34 where it says:
"A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you like an armed robber."
I'm writing this because it occurred to me that a lot of people are slowing down their lives.
It is so easy to squander all your time away on social media, Netflix and every other thing that won't add value to your life
Some social media influencers are even telling people that they do not have to do anything to upgrade their lives
But as you know me, I will tell you the truth
Quarantine or not, life is moving on
I am not saying you shouldn't have fun
Rest, have fun by all means but don't forget to force yourself to come out of this with an upgraded version of yourself in any area of your life like:
- Finances
- Skills
- Health
- Relationships Etc
By the way, if you are looking to upgrade your money making skills, then you can send a pm about your special discount link!
Think About This In 2023
About 2 years ago, I had an epiphany that helped me simplify the art of making money.
And this led to helping me make a lot of money with less time and stress.
To give you a realistic demonstration, it helped me multiply my income by 35X and that is not a joke.
And I believe something similar will happen to you when you get it and act.
So, here is the epiphany:
I started by asking myself.
"How exactly does money get into your pocket?"
And the answer is found in Economics It says:
"Money is primarily a medium of exchange or means of exchange"
So, if you need $10K a month for instance, what you need to do is to exchange VALUE worth $10K to 1 or more people a month and you will get your $10K.
VALUE here can mean products or services.
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Here is a Method That is Helping Normal People Make Extra Money From Home In 2023
Starting a physical or brick-and-mortar business is frankly out of reach for most people.
Not to mention the risk involved.
Example: You want to start a big and decent restaurant.
You’re $10000 or $30000 out of pocket before making your first sale, if you ever make it that far.
And once you do, making a profit, the overheads, the expenses, recouping your original investment.
2 years go by, and you don’t have a business. You ARE the business.
12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week, just to keep the place going.
This isn’t what you signed up for!
You start a business to have freedom, to have money.
How is it possible to achieve these things without the risk.
The answer is this BSO
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The Most Important Thing IN 2023
One of the best books I have read is a book by
Donald Trump titled "Think Like a Billionaire"
And one of the lessons that stuck to my brain
from reading the book is where he said:
The Bible passed the same message in Proverbs
24:33-34 where it says:
"A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little
folding of the hands to rest - then poverty will
pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack
you like an armed robber."
I'm writing this because it occurred to
me that a lot of people are slowing down their lives.
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Friend, what are your fears?
Fear as it were, is a good mechanism in everyone if you can only use it to your advantage.
Everyone have what they afraid but successful people know how to use their fear to their own
advantage to arrive at success.
For instance, the fear of scarcity can be turn to a blessing and abundant.
When you sense or fear that something may be scarce you need to rise to the occasion to find out
what and how the fear can be tackled, then do the needful.
The needful here: You need to know what may lead to scarcity of that item and stock up the item you fear that will be scarce when it is in surplus.
Good example of this is the story of Joseph and King Pharaoh of Egypt dream of 7 years of surplus and 7 years of famine in the land at that time. That famine end up elevating Joseph and made Egypt
the world power of that time which span for centuries.
For every scarcity, there is always a time of surplus when you can stock up and plan for the future when it may be scarce.
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See How The Poor Invest Time
My friend's dad said he could not invest because he had no money. My dad said, “Invest your time when you have no money.”
In most circumstances, people have no time to invest. Why? Because they think that working harder and longer will make them richer.
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.
If you ask most people why they work so hard, they’ll tell you it’s for money.
By this, they mean a steady paycheck that provides security. Money is one of the primary reasons people take on thousands of dollars in college loans to get a degree for a high-paying job that they don’t like but which they spend most of their waking hours at — all while the things they really love in life sit on the sidelines waiting for them to finish working.
The problem with this approach is that you only make money as long as you work. The only thing of value that you have to sell is your time. So, in order to make more money, you have to work longer hours, which is physically taxing.
Because you only have a finite amount of time and energy, as an employee, your earning potential is finite.
By any measure, this is a poor investment.
It is a poor mindset to think I’ll trade my finite resource of time for money. The rich mindset is different, and they look at time and how to invest it very differently than the poor.
If you ask most rich people what they work for, they’ll tell you it’s for assets.
By this they mean investments and businesses that provide steady cash flow each month with little-to-no work. Instead of spending their life working for money, the rich work to understand how to make money work for them through financial education. Very simply, the rich don’t work for money, they make money work for them.
Working to add more assets is much different than working for a paycheck.
For instance, adding assets doesn’t require working longer or harder. In fact, the higher your financial IQ, the less you have to work to acquire high-quality assets. These assets then provide passive income, even while you’re sleeping or playing.
In other words, again, money works for the rich.
Are You Part Of This?
I don't know about you, but I've bought my fair share of online courses. Some mediocre, some really worthwhile and then those promising much but delivering little. I call them 'Golden Turds'
Well I can say with conviction that this BSO is definitely NOT a golden turd.
No sirree, this course falls into the category of really worthwhile.
If you already know about domains, then this is your chance to learn some insider tips and tricks no-one talks about… and get your hands on
this quality and outstanding training
To learn more and see you can get your share of this multi-billion dollar market,
The second habit is committing to finishing whatever you start.
A lot of people have erroneously trained their brains to jump from one thing to another over the years without any commitment.
They do it with books.
They do it with movies.
They even do it with simple activities like reading a short article.
What this does is to train your brain not to complete things.
If you don't force yourself to start completing things, this bad habit will soon eat deep into your psyche and will affect other areas of your life
And this will affect you big time in business.
So, just make it a habit that you will begin to complete things.
These 2 habits won't be easy to start as first.
But that is how all good things start.
And talking about starting a good thing that will change your life for good right now, send a pm about your special discount link!
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