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Do you believe that you can still end 2022 as a winner?

Do you believe that you can still make that 4, 5 or 6 figures before the end of 2022?

Anyways, this BSO can still HELP YOU

If you are serious, hardworking and dedicated, send pm about your special discount link.
Starting a physical or brick-and-mortar business IN 2023 is frankly out of reach for most people.

Not to mention the risk involved.

Example: You want to start a big and decent restaurant.

You’re $10000 or $30000 out of pocket before making your first sale, if you ever make it that far.

And once you do, making a profit, the overheads, the expenses, recouping your original investment.

2 years go by, and you don’t have a business. You ARE the business.

12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week, just to keep the place going.

This isn’t what you signed up for!

You start a business to have freedom, to have money.

How is it possible to achieve these things without the risk.

The answer is this BSO

What are you doing in THIS NEW MONTH?

I hope you have not started this month the way most people do.

That is, just starting it without setting any clear goals and plans.


One of the major reasons why people fail is that they do not have clear goals.

That is followed by the fact that they do not have clear plans on how to accomplish those goals.

And also NOT taking action on those plans.

But it all starts from...

NOT Having clear goals.

1. Have clear goals.

2. Have clear plans on how you intend to achieve those goals.

3. Start taking massive action on those plans.

I know you have probably heard this before.

But it is my responsibility to remind you.

Send a pm about your special discount link now!
There are 27 days left in the year 2022

Give yourself the opportunity to be HELPED

Send a pm about your special discount link!

I have a message for you today.

It is not a sweet one.

It is meant to make you uncomfortable so that you can be comfortable.

And believe me, that is exactly what you need right now.

Here is the message:


Let me explain.

I have noticed recently that more people need to be reminded of the fact that nothing good comes easy.

The problem is that it is easy to train your brain to become lazy based on normal things that you do on a daily basis.

E.g. Taking sugar (even when it is not necessary simply because you want that sweet taste)

Taking the elevator instead of stairs.

Overtime, what these things do to your brain is to make it avoid "hard things"

Unfortunately, you can't avoid to do some hard things in order to get great results in any area of life.

Want to learn how you can make $500-$3000/month?
Want to build a great body?
Want to build a successful business?
Want to become a top athlete?
Want to become a top musician, artist etc?

You can't avoid the hard things.

This is why you have to train your brain to embrace "HARD THINGS."

It is called toughening up.

And you do this by choosing the hard options with the little day by day choices you make.

You do it my intentionally making yourself uncomfortable once in a while.


Instead of waiting and wasting time on businesses that don't work, SEND ME A PM NOW TO GET YOUR SPECIAL DISCOUNT LINK!
Turn off the AC.
Instead of taking sweet coffee, take black coffee.
Take a cold shower instead of warm.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Of course, you don't have to do this all the time.

The idea is to desensitize yourself to the hard things so that you do them comfortably.

This helps your brain to accept doing "hard things" when it comes to achieving your dreams.

The Easiest and Fastest Way To TOUGHEN UP right now is for you to send me a PM about your SPECIAL DISCOUNT LINK!
My Next BSO Will Change Your Life If You Want To Start 2023 As A Winner. [24 Days to go in 2022 and you cannot afford to remain in one position]

One of the best books I have read is a book by Donald Trump titled "Think Like a Billionaire"

And one of the lessons that stuck to my brain from reading the book is where he said:


The Bible passed the same message in Proverbs 24:33-34 where it says:

"A little extra sleep, a little more slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - then poverty will pounce on you like a bandit; scarcity will attack you like an armed robber."

I'm writing this because it occurred to me that a lot of people are slowing down their lives.

It is so easy to squander all your time away on social media, Netflix and every other thing that won't add value to your life


See How The Poor Invest Time


My friend's dad said he could not invest because he had no money. My dad said, “Invest your time when you have no money.”

In most circumstances, people have no time to invest. Why? Because they think that working harder and longer will make them richer.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

If you ask most people why they work so hard, they’ll tell you it’s for money.

By this, they mean a steady paycheck that provides security. Money is one of the primary reasons people take on thousands of dollars in college loans to get a degree for a high-paying job that they don’t like but which they spend most of their waking hours at — all while the things they really love in life sit on the sidelines waiting for them to finish working.

The problem with this approach is that you only make money as long as you work. The only thing of value that you have to sell is your time. So, in order to make more money, you have to work longer hours, which is physically taxing.

Because you only have a finite amount of time and energy, as an employee, your earning potential is finite.

By any measure, this is a poor investment.

It is a poor mindset to think I’ll trade my finite resource of time for money. The rich mindset is different, and they look at time and how to invest it very differently than the poor.

If you ask most rich people what they work for, they’ll tell you it’s for assets.

By this they mean investments and businesses that provide steady cash flow each month with little-to-no work. Instead of spending their life working for money, the rich work to understand how to make money work for them through financial education. Very simply, the rich don’t work for money, they make money work for them.

Working to add more assets is much different than working for a paycheck.

For instance, adding assets doesn’t require working longer or harder. In fact, the higher your financial IQ, the less you have to work to acquire high-quality assets. These assets then provide passive income, even while you’re sleeping or playing.

In other words, again, money works for the rich.

There are 2 success habits I started to work on recently and the dividends I am getting are huge.

If you develop these 2 habits, I am 100% sure that it will improve your life in various ways.

(1) The first habit is that of writing down a list of what you intend to do the next day.

But you should get a special notepad for this.

Call it your "daily notepad"

And force yourself to always, always write down a list of what you intend to do the next day in the notepad.

Then arrange them in order of importance.

That means the MOST important task will be your No. 1 to do for the next day.

(2) The second habit is committing to finishing whatever you start.

A lot of people have erroneously trained their brains to jump from one thing to another over the years without any commitment.

They do it with books.

They do it with movies.

They even do it with simple activities like reading a short article.

What this does is to train your brain not to complete things.

If you don't force yourself to start completing things, this bad habit will soon eat deep into your psyche and will affect other areas of your life

And this will affect you big time in business.

So, just make it a habit that you will begin to complete things.

These 2 habits won't be easy to start as first.

But that is how all good things start.

And talking about starting a good thing that will change your life for good right now, send a PM for your SPECIAL DISCOUNT LINK!
There are 19 days left in the year 2022

These 3 demons keep people poor

They are:

- Fear
- Laziness
- Procrastination

How do you overcome these demons?

There are 18 days left in the year 2022

The second habit is committing to finishing whatever you start.

A lot of people have erroneously trained their brains to jump from one thing to another over the years without any commitment.

They do it with books.

They do it with movies.

They even do it with simple activities like reading a short article.

What this does is to train your brain not to complete things.

If you don't force yourself to start completing things, this bad habit will soon eat deep into your psyche and will affect other areas of your life

And this will affect you big time in business.

So, just make it a habit that you will begin to complete things.

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