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Hey MThomas

Received the Book! Thanks!

Interesting share. Max reps added.
Thanks mthomas . . . for a very nice share and fast response to the PM! +Reps well-deserved.

I look forward to reading this.


UPDATE: I wanted to see if this was worth buying for my sons so after mthomas kindly shared it I read it all tonight.

It absolutely is -- although they've heard it all from me many times!

For those who are younger than me or still in a loveless marriage: I've lived this lifestyle since my divorce in 2000 (yes, filed by my "ex" after 12-years of "marriage."). Once freed I would never consider marriage again . . . unless the lady was exceptional in every way and, even then, without an iron-clad PRE-NUP! I've been begged to marry again and I've never found an exceptional lady. However, I've traveled all around the world, including many times to my favorite area: The Caribbean. I've owned cars I would never have been "allowed" to own while still owned myself (married). I've left my old career and been a day trader for almost 20-years (from all around the world) and would never have been "allowed" to do that either. Oh, and I don't owe a single bank (or a single person) a single penny -- and haven't for years and years! Plus . . . I've enjoyed near constant access to many of what the author calls P-Sleeves and it has been great!

Sadly, my life was made unnecessarily tough for the first 3-years after divorce . . . until I had enough bullshit and TOOK my children and turned the tables completely on my ex. SHE had to pay child support (which she never did -- but it was always a conversation-killer. LOL!); SHE only had "visitation;" and more; and I did all of this by forcing her to have skin-in-the-game every time she wanted to go back to court. Such as, "Are you sure you really want to go back there when you're in contempt of court for failing to pay child support?" Or, "Are you sure you want to roll the dice for extra visitation when you might lose what you have right now?" For years I have advised men, and especially men with children, not to take it lying down and if you're going to lose in court, go down fighting. Yes, the system is rigged for the female -- if there is no contest -- but you absolutely CAN beat her IF you fight smart and are all-in!

Some women are much better bitches. Some men are much better fighters.

I was a trial lawyer when divorced.

I never lost a child custody case . . . including mine (but I would never have myself as my lawyer though because of the old saying, "He who represents himself has a fool for a client.").

I strongly encourage every still-single male to ready this book.

I also strongly encourage all married males to start getting ready. Your day is almost certainly coming. Forewarned is forearmed -- or like Sun Tzu says, "In times of peace, prepare for war."

It was so important a share here on BBHF, I wanted to add my own 2-cents for everyone.

Thanks again mthomas! You're helping a lot of guys with this and the /r subgroup you recommended.

P.S. -- My comment is not for men who are running around while they have a wife and family at home. My comment is not for men who want to escape their obligations and "trade up." My comment is for men who are being, or are about to be, abused by an emotional, emasculating, vindictive wife -- or whose girlfriend has it planned (and, yes, they actually plan things like that).
I am interested
I have sent out the PDF to all that have posted here or sent a PM.
If you would like a copy, please let me know.

Have a great weekend and GYOW!
Always good to be informed in life. Looking forward to
reading this my brother +5REPS too. Cheers brother!!

Update: Received book!! Thanks so much bro!!
Would love to receive this book -- PMing now. +5 reps to OP and Smithnowt for all info and links. Cool
Sent out the PDF to all who posted and/or PM'd me.

A special thanks to EuroTrader who gave a positive endorsement of the book and detailed his personal situation with the intent of helping men here on BBHF who might also be experiencing what he went through (i.e. a rough divorce/marriage, family court system, child custody, etc.)
I'd like to give a big Thanks to mthomas for this informative post and link to the book.
+5 reps to (((EuroTrader))) for sharing his thoughts on the book and his personal experience. Well taken!

UPDATE: Received the link from OP!
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