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You mean pump and dump women? But I'm interested in the book you mentioned. Kindly share it. Thanks in advance.
Sent copies to all who posted and/or PM'd me.
Enjoy reading and applying the knowledge!
PMed for the ebook.
Sent to StarMan01 (thanks for cleaning up your email file) and EuroTrader yesterday.
Any additional requests will be sent out this weekend, which reminds me....
Have a Great Weekend!

I'd like the book as well.

Book on it's way to you Sweetanukritisharma!
Sending you +5 as well!
Book received ! Thanks so much for quick response mthomas !
I'd like to give a big Thanks to mthomas for this informative post and link to the book.
I'm interested Thank you. PMing you.
I'd like the book.

This could of helped a friend of mine avoid hardship and prison. Reps added.
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