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---------------------------------- Udemy ISSUES / Reports / Solutions / Request Support or Protest (Original Title):

In this THREAD: You can know and help!

Check if is down (or any other website) with this very useful tool:

Report when Udemy is having some issues and report when Udemy resolves the issues!

Or give Tips and Solutions about issues to help our community!



[INFO] New Udemy Coupons Rules - By Patrick0 and other collaborators:

'Winners' in the BS Uploaded PLR Sweepstakes for Udemy non-authors !! - By smithnowt

Udemy Bump Requests


"Submit a Request"
You can write a ticket to Udemy Support Team, here:

"My Requests / My Activities"
Check the list of your support requests here:

"Purchase History"
Check the receives of your courses; very useful too:

SOLUTIONS: Helping our great learning community of BBHF!

SOLUTION 1: Useful advice by angelcrc7

If the "URL couponCode" or the "Enroll now" do not work for you! Then try these steps using the "Add to cart" button:


0) Open the link of the course (WITHOUT the coupon or even with the coupon) / Also you can open the course in a private window or incognito mode too!
1) Press "Add to cart"
2) Then press "Go to cart"
3) And "Enter Coupon": COUPON-NAME (downside in the "Checkout" button)
4) Then press "Apply"
5) And press "Checkout"
6) Press "Buy" button to get your course for free! If the coupon is still available this will always work!
7) EXTRA STEP (optional if one of the previous steps fail): Press F5 KEY to refresh the URL (or ENTER KEY in the URL), and try it again one or more times! (this is a very simple but powerful trick; trust me). Also you could press "go back one page" button and then F5 Key!

Solution shared in post 13 here:

Peace and success, in life and eternity; from your angel bro!

Ok now.Up and running.
----------------------- Aug 22

1) Official message of Udemy:

"Sorry. We’re having trouble reaching our servers.
Try waiting a minute or two and then reload.
Lo sentimos, se ha producido un error en el servidor • Désolé, une erreur de serveur s'est produite • Desculpe, ocorreu um erro no servidor • Es ist leider ein Server-Fehler aufgetreten • "申し訳ありません。サーバーエラーが発生しました"

2) Checked using

" is DOWN for everyone. It is not just you. The server is not responding..."

3) Again available!

Ok is UP and reachable by us.
It was down for around 20 minutes; but it is normal sometimes! ;)

Peace, bros!

----------------------- Aug 27

Udemy Server is having certain issues at the moment (it is not down this time at least); it works, but you have to REFRESH several times or close an RE-OPEN the tab again to be able to buy the courses, and be patient! ;)

Udemy is showing these 2 Messages sometimes:

"502 Bad Gateway"

We’re having trouble reaching our servers.
Try waiting a minute or two and then reload.
Lo sentimos, se ha producido un error en el servidor • Désolé, une erreur de serveur s'est produite • Desculpe, ocorreu um erro no servidor • Es ist leider ein Server-Fehler aufgetreten • "申し訳ありません。サーバーエラーが発生しました。 "

----------------------- Aug 28

Udemy Server issues again! :( is UP and reachable by us, BUT with great issues that do not let us to buy courses WITH COUPONS at this moment (the F4LT courses are ok).


"An error occurred while trying to enroll in this course."

"COUPON is invalid, and has been removed."

"You have already paid for "TITLE OF THE COURSE". Please remove it and try again."

We’re experiencing some issues.
Our team is working hard to solve this problem, but you can visit our support page for any questions. (500)"

No... Udemy with ISSUES yet... almost 1 hour now :(
Please write when Udemy have no more issues! Good night bros!


If you have problems buying a course with a COUPON is because of an issue at Udemy servers (since yesterday Aug 27):
Check your "Purchase History", maybe you already bought the course (even if it still shows as if it was not bought, because of a system error):

In any case, you can write a ticket to Udemy Support Team, here:

Peace, bros and sis!

----------------------- Sept 1

It seems to me that Udemy is having trouble playing the videos!?


Still with issues...
Guys I'm using firefox and udemy loads in a completely different style for some course links!

I have checked it with 2 different versions of firefox

Have you guys seen it too? It's weird...
If you have some issues, you can request and receive assistance from Udemy!

"Submit a Request"
You can write a ticket to Udemy Support Team, here:

"My Requests / My Activities"
Check the list of your support requests here:

"Purchase History"
Check the receives of your courses; very useful too:


[quote='Somebody' pid='2859695' dateline='1568470230']
Guys I'm using firefox and udemy loads in a completely different style for some course links!... Have you guys seen it too? It's weird...

Yes Somebody bro, it seems that it is a new UI design that only appears with the free F4LT courses that have not been purchased yet; but it is a weird interface, you are right!

I have issues with Udemy - but nothing that their 'support' will do anything about, as I've tried and they reply with apologies and useless non-info.

My issues ?? Maybe you also have some of the same...?
1 - Too much directly posted PLR as 'courses';
2 - Zero QC of any sort at any level;
3 - Totally incomprehensible trash posted as 'english' by folks with impossible accents;
4 - Zero actions taken to enforce their own policies;
5 - Make a 5-star review...find that the course is misleading and change it to 1-star - your star rating does not chance or bring any change in the total course rating.

This last one may actually be inspiring to some folks here=>
6 - Udemy allows and supports blackhatters by all the above.

Here is what came from there recently that showed me that my observations written above are correct...

A native Arabic speaker posted something that I found here in the F4LT section and I grabbed it - mostly to see what he was promising.

His tactic is very simple - get subscribers via Udemy, have them go to a site to get a document via google docs, and tell them that they MUST post a 5-star review then send it to him - to get the bonus links.

Very clever - and it is working too !!

His 'course' is pure trash - he can barely speak english between the endless unrelated interjections and actions made in error that reveal he doesn't actually know what he is doing.
Worse still, he makes no attempts to explain what he is doing while going around in circles.

So now his 5-star rated 'course' is no longer free and Udemy has done exactly nothing about how he is offering (what they would call) pirated products as inducements to make lying reviews.

A blackhatter's paradise as it is right now.

Totally agree with smithnowt bro; many thanks to protest about this other kind of Udemy issues too!. It is a shame that Udemy allows such bad practices and junk content, even spam and language issues too! :(


We hope that these content-quality issues will also be resolved someday! Perhaps if we exert pressure, if our entire community write protesting in some way, at least we would be heard, to begin a change; this could be a good initiative!


Because despite that, Udemy is still the largest video course platform in the world, still with many high quality courses and great authors, many who are even members of our great BBHF community!

Greetings to our awesome authors and teachers! And also many thanks to our sharers, that despite that issues, we continue loving the knowledge and loving our community of learners! Peace, always peace! :)

Nice Thread
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