I wonder if the early stuff related to self-help was the best one's by authors. I can see a lot of amazing courses here that still work.
Thank you for sharing.
Don't delete it.
Can be helpful for a lot of people
Very good collection, thanks reps+
You are the giver of Givers!!! I wish I could give more but it only allows me to give one point per thread. Thank you sooo much. I was looking for Arash and here it is!! Happy Holidays to you.
thank you for making the effort to share
you are avery generous giver thanks a million
thank a billion
thank a billion
Thanks for sharing this! hugely appreciated! I have repped everyone who posted links on this thread!
Oh no I barely scratched the surface on this share, looked into only one item and now its all gone. Did anyone happen to mirror it? *fingers crossed*
I spoke too soon, how do I delete the above post please?
thanks for sharing
--but it's gone