06-06-2019, 05:58 PM
![[Image: 14ax8ph.jpg]](http://i65.tinypic.com/14ax8ph.jpg)
books and audiobooks
a thomas: ultimate hypnotic influence
adam armstrong: 5 secret techniques every woman wants in bed, 37 secrets about woman and sex, bedroom boss, better in bed, dirty talk phrases, how to last longer in bed, how to make your woman do anything in bed, the huge load formula, ultimate orgasm techniques, unleash her bad girl and get her to do anything you want in bed
adam gilad: relationship god
adam lyons: hot girl in 7 days
adina rivers: pussy pleasure course
adrian morrison: ecom success academy (2017), ecomsuiteX, tee advantage
adrian booth: 100k factory
alex allman: orgasms
alex vilenchik: playing with fire
andy puddicomble: foundational (take) series, health series, performance series, pro series, pro series, relationship series, singles
anthony carbone: wolf millionaire of instagram
anthony morrison: fan page domination
anthony robbins: creating lasting change, awaken the giant within 1, change your focus using questions, interview with coach john wooden, creating lasting change, date with destiny, get the edge, giant steps, influence with robert cialdini - power talk, lessons in mastery, live with passion, personal power classic, powersonal power 2, personal training system, priming exercise, stop yourself from financial self sabotage, the body you deserve, the decision that ensures your success the power to influence, the power to shape your destiny, time of your life, ulimate relationship program, unleash the power within, unlimited power (nlp)
kendrick cleveland: da vinci master switch (folder: tony robbins > unorganized)
dr deepok chopra: meeting master (folder: tony robbins > unorganized)
gary halbert: sales letter collection (folder: tony robbins > unorganized)
greg greenway: dating solutions (folder: tony robbins > unorganized)
arash dibazar: dark energy, seductive confidence, solomon's temple, supernatural, the eye of ra
athlean x: athlean ax 1, athlean bonuses, inferno shred, the original pro athlete workout
authority hacker: authority site system
badboy: the instasex method package
barron cruz: beast, social invincibility
be orgasmic: be orgasmic [nsfw, basically porn]
ben malol: ecom blueprint bootcamp program
ben pakulski: mi40x
ben settle: persuasion secrets of the world's most charismatic and influential villains
bobby rio: 10 step tinder solution, 21 all time best texts to send a girl, 99 best texts, conversation escalation, conversation topics training lab, get the girl, magnetic messaging, player's paradigm
bostjan belingar: the player
brad p: 18 degrees of social freedom, club game, fashion bible, planning the perfect date, the pheromone kid interview, the shocker, the underground dating seminar, women are drawn to courage
braddock: social circle mastery, the ultimate guide to text and phone game
brian burt and brian johnson: sponsored products academy
brian dean: seo that works
brian tracy: think like a leader
bryan dulaney: funnel selling business
calisthenics unity: full body workout program
carlos xuma: bad boy formula, ultimate inner game
carter thomas: bluecloud app formula
charlie houpert: charisma university
chris record: 3 zero club and inner circle
christian hudson: bonuses, the girlfriend activation system v2
christian mcqueen: deep conversation game
christie marie sheldon: unlimited abundance
conor murphy: adonyxmen - god like physique
content promotion summit 2016
conversionxl: ecommerce growth masterclass, google analytics master course
copy hackers: 10x landing pages
craig miller: sexual decoder system
d-rion williams: alpha relational dynamics
daiyaan caan: bizz classes
dan dasilva and justin cener: social ad classroom
dan henry: facebook ads for entrepreneurs
dan kennedy: copywriting academy, fascination marketing system
daniel rose: sex god method 1, sex god method 2
david deangelo: approaching women, cocky comedy, love the final chapter, lust, on being a man
david snyder: attractivation full, covert persuasion intelligence, killer influence, rapid attraction secrets, vibrational healing
david tian: 10 weeks to freedom, awakening, conversation vortex, invincible, limitless, the charisma code
david wygant: 7 second seduction
day game mastery: attraction formulas
daygame: daygame blueprint, daygame immersion, effortless infield, geek get girl, the yad shadow
deepak wayne: bonus material [nsfw], calibration and logistics, conversation domination, deepak infields, deepak's journey, hardcase student transformations, inner game, meet women everyday preview, texting and tinder, ultimate seduction model, unique concepts for success, usm modules audio only
derek rake: alpha male activator, boyfriend destroyer system, conversational seduction, cougar seduction system, dark rake method, dark rapport, insider lab, manipulation black book, mkdelta, online dating playbook, reseduction, shogun method, texting on steroids, the barnum manuscript
derek vitalio: seduction science
digital marketer: content and commerce summit 2016
don amante: the sensual hunter method
eben pagan: wake up productive
edward debono: how you can be more interesting
efficient pickup: seduction mind hacks
eric disco: she's six steps away
eric edgemont: friends into lover
ethercycle: ecommerce bootcamp
evil stifler: evel stifler infields
ezra firestone and jason fladlien: operation physical products
flow genome: flow fundamentals 2.0
frank kern: legacy collection: campaign transplant bootcamp, advanced consulting class, core influence, helipad, list control, magic model, mass control 2.0, mass control 2-0 hard rock 2008, mass control 2-0 hard rock 2009, mass control monthly complete, mass control promos, mass conversion, millionaire marketing formulas bonus, operation total freedom, survey siphon, ultimate webinar blueprint, video black box, additional footage
gabrielle moore [nsfw]: naked u: season 1 - naked university, season 2 - men over 40, season 3 - the arousal amplification edition
gary halbert: sales letter collection
gary vaynerchuck: building a personal brand
glen allsop: marketing inc v3 2016
grant cardone: 10x growth con 2017, 10x rule, be obsessed or be average, cardone university (2016), make millions in business video webcast, playbook, rules of success
greg frost: photographic memory, success manager pro
greg greenway: 53 laws, dating solutions, getting physical, project royalty, sex on demand sytem, social supremacy blueprint
gunwitch: seduction mma
henry grayson: the new physics of love
honest signalz academy: month 2
hypnosis for inner game: hypnosis downloads.com, hypnosis live, hypnosislive, naturalhypnosis, pua hypnosis
hypnotica: collection of confidence, modern day sexual man, the sphinx of imagination
igor ledochowski: conversational hypnosis mastery, covert trances hypnosis, mind bending language roundtable, power or conventional hypnosis, the money in your mind, the power of self hypnosis, the yes decks, world class hypnotic storyteller
iris reading: comprehension training course, focus course, memory improvement course, mind mapping course, productivity course level 1, productivity course level 2, speed reading course for digital readaers, speed reading foundation course, speed reading mastery course
jd fuentes: basic arousal, gut impact, the sexual key
jack ellis: astral power, becoming the beast, beguiled, beyond mind control, black magic tantra, cia hypnosis package, elite social control, erotic hypnosis syndicate, forbidden patterns, hoodoo, hypnoritual, occult superstar, pimp secrets, power mindwaves, remote viewing mastery, satanic sex secrets, seven gates, the lucifer complex, the manson effect, the secrets of psychic power, unitrol
jack johnson: kill your porn and masturbation habit
james clear: the habits masterclass
james marshall: 5 principles of natural seduction, dating accelerator, marshall meditation method
jason capital: $1k a day private mastermind, 4x energy, 17 moves that blow her F****** mind, 70 laws, 277 dirty talk, attraction god, big d**** big money big life, carefree installation system, cash flow king, celebrity series vault, charisma god (attraction king) charisma installation system, conversation crack, conversation god, dark side mind tricks, devoted girlfriend system, digital millionaire live, dominate your day, donald trump formula, elite mentor summit 2017, email millionaire, emr tapes, girls, tell all uncut (sd), harddrive, harvey specter formula, her favorite kisser, higher status video course, hjgm, ice cold system, inside donald's high status weapons, instant connection conversations, jedi mind tricks and dsmt, live infield footage, magic bag of tricks, make money want you collection, make money want you, make money want you unleashed, mental dominance, mental dominance x-files, million dollar phrases, millionaire dna activation system, millionare switch for men, millionaire x-files, natural charm, power influence, power influence system, power positioning system, power switch, social god (hd), social media god, social proof bible, social switch, status, status unleashed, storytelling god, success installation, the capital secret, the love code, tony stark formula, torrents, videos, vinny chase formula, word for word attraction system
jason julius: extreme stamina, female orgasm blueprint (2009)
jeremy miner: 7 figure sales training
jessica j: speak to spark arousal
jmulv: occam's razor
john sonmez: 10 steps to learn anything
jon sinn: advanced strategies for sexualized comfort, breakthrough comfort formula, day game and same day lays, daygame infield, get laid more home study course, opening 2.0, secrets of 5 minute chemistry, seduction roadmap, stripper code
jonathan altfeld: irresistable voice
joshua earp: seo mastery course
junior serrano: my cpa atm
justin wayne: conversation skills, step by step seduction, the domino effect
kendrick cleveland: creativity switch, da vinci master switch, magical objection mastery, meta level, persuasion 911, power of being complete, propaganda switch, rise above, unconscious persuasion
kevin fahey: im traffic facebook masters
kinobody: aggressive fat loss 2.0, bodyweight mastery, greek god muscle building program, kinochef, superhero bulking program, warrior shredding program
kinowear: kinowear bible
kizen: infinite off-season
kyle cease: evolve, transformedy
learn close combat training: military hand-to-hand combat
leo gura: ultimate life purpose
liam mcrae: how to get her sexually invested in seduction, limitless seducer, rapid escalation
life loaded: abundance program
love systems: beyond words: charisma decoded, gentlemen's guide to online dating, love systems ebooks, love systems interview series 01-70, relationship management
lukas resheske: copywriting mentorship program
magic leone: how to talk to women (2017)
manish leone: silent seduction
mark cunningham: beyond seduction, building a better girlfriend, hypnotic awakening
mark hyman: broken brain docu-series
mark manson: approach woman program, conection program, dating and relationship course, daygame model, fearless dating, masculine power now, models, overcome anxiety, sexual confidence program, the nerds guide to being confident, the newbie guide, the subtle art of not giving a F***
masterclass: aaron sorkin teaches screenwriting, david mamet teaches dramatic writing, deadmau5 teaches electronic music, dustin hoffman teaches acting, evans perks teaches entrepreneurship, garry kasparov teaches chess, gordon ramsay teaches cooking, hans zimmer teaches film scoring, james patterson teaches writing, kevin spacey teaches acting, steve martin teaches comedy, werner herzog teaches film making
matt artisan: pickup artist academy course
matt evans: apples of eden
maxwell maltz: psycho-cybernetics
mehow: infield exposed
mel robbins: the 5 second rule
melanie evans: narcissistic abuse recovery program
michael breen: advanced language patterns, conversational trance, habit hacking
michael pilinski: she's yours for the taking, without embarrasment
michael spencer: master confidence formula
mike haines: the domination principle
mike koenigs: golive and profit
mike wright: elixir of eros
mindvalley: become limitless, quantum jumping
mozcon 2016 videos
mr x: lost tapes
mystery: mystery method - the venusian arts handbook
natural lifestyle: natural lifestyle podcast
neil patel: advanced marketing program
neil strauss: emergency, the game, the truth - an uncomfortable book about relationships
new alpha education: the huge load formula
niche authority empire: local profit breakthrough bonus
nick krauser: day game mastery
paul janka: closing, janka method, text game
peter diamandis: xponential advantage
peter parks: dna wealth blueprint 2.0
pickup 101: body language, charismatic conversations, spy cam
pua forums (2008)
pua training: 43 texts that guarantee sex, mpua university, stealth attraction
rachel rofe: the low hanging system
ramit sethi: how to talk to anybody, mental mastery, zero to launch
reboot blueprint: overcome porn-induced ed
rob wiser: m.a.c.k. tactics
robin: personal mastery academy, your absolute best year yet
roger love: set your voice free, the perfect voice, vocal power
rollo tomassi: the rational male
roosh v: bang - more lays in 60 days, day bang - how to casually pick up girls during the day
ross jeffries: how to get the women you desire into bed, how to lay girls, la99 speed seduction, nail your inner game, secrets of speed seduction, transcript
ryan deiss: content and ecommerce summit 2016, content marketing mastery, market research blueprint, traffic and conversion summit 2016, traffic and conversion summit 2017
ryan magin: bad boy unleashed, handsome guy secrets
sam ovens: the consulting blueprint
sasha daygame: direct dating summit berlin, sasha daygame podcast, unbreakable rules
school of squirt [nsfw]: squirting triggers
scott h young: learn more study less, rapid learner course
shae matthews: meditations, sensual massage mastery [nsfw]
simple pickup: about, drunk times with hot girls, jumpcut academy, jumpcut academy 2.0, simple mixology, simple pickup system, simple tips/others
sixty years of challenge: 60 years of challenge podcast, complete game revision system, elite audio club, fast escalation seminar, from social to seduce her, getting a girlfriend, hot girls talk sex, magic mindsets 2014, making attraction official, more numbers less flakes, secret seduction triggers, seducers playbook 2.0, text machine, the 3 hour girlfriend get keep her attracted forever, the friend bomb formula (2014), the girlfriend formula
spencer michaels: monster confidence system
squattincassanova: instaconnection
steve g jones: hypnotic pick up method, ultimate conversational hypnosis, ultimate conversational hypnosis (advanced)
steve jabba: the secret society
steven peliari: the art of covert hypnosis
street attraction: approach 2 lay, ebooks, street-attraction-vip section sd
subcommunication mastery: primal attraction activation system
swingcat: real world seduction
sybervision: the neuropsychology of achievement, the neuropsychology of leadership, the neuropsychology of self-discipline
tai lopez: 67 steps, accelerator, entrepreneur starter kit, lifestyle training, mentorbox (march 2017), real estate, social media marketing agency, social media marketing expert training, traveling ceo
talmade harper: art of manifestation, free from fear -free from anxiety 2.0, sophia, subliminal alpha protocool 3, take action - take control of your life, the elemental
tanner fox: affiliate marketing mastery
the 4 week natural: daygame phonegame
the 21 convention (2007-2014): documentaries, bonuses, 21 university
the art of verbal war: master of metaphor, on, peoples games, the hank moody guide to wit, the harvey specter guide, the high value man, the kings mindset, the new art of being right, verbal domination, verbal self defense 101, vocal superstar
the modern man: the ultimate guide to conversation
the psychology of performance: how to be your best life
the social man: unbreakable
timothy marc: secret society mastermind 2015, ssm 2015
todd valentine: 3 girls a day, attraction unlocked, daygame, rsd todd youtube channel, text and dates machine, the art of game, todd valentine infield collection, valentine university 2.0, winnergame, women
tom torero: badass buddha, street hustle, tom torero podcast
tony ruca: the alpha system
transmutation club: mastering the power of sex energy transmutation
udemy: alain wolf coaching, becoming a learning machine, become a speed demon, become a super human - naturally and safely boost testosterone, become a superlearner v2, become superlearner v2.5, bitcoin and blockchain, female guide to attraction getting ex back and dating men, master persuasion psychology and convince people of anything
master your adhd brain tutorial, master your emotions and revolutionise your social skills, reveal your humor social life and communication skills, the ultimate intermittent fasting and fast weight loss course, the ultimate morning routine guide
valentino kohen: invisible game
vanessa ed edwards: the power of negotiation
vick strizheus: high traffic academy 2.0
vin dicarlo: pandora's box
wendi friesen: breakfree end porn addiction
william can: the art of kissing
xtreme mind: psychic seduction masterclass
zack browman: high status humor